July 23, 2009

More on Yesterday’s Game.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 8:10 pm

Do yourself a favor and read this heartwarming and heartbreaking story. It all unfolded in the suite next to the one I was in at yesterday’s game. These days it’s rare to read a story in which everyone is a good guy. I didn’t write about it, because I didn’t think I could do it justice, but then a colleague pointed me to the article.

My thoughts are with this man and his family, and my admiration goes out to everyone who made his day a very special one.


  1. Thanks, Jimbo. It’s nice to hear once in a while that major league athletes have a human side and are not just interested in the bucks. We don’t often hear about that side of them, just the more titillating stories. And my heartfelt best wishes to the family and a big thank you to the Yankees.

    Comment by Charlie — July 23, 2009 @ 9:32 pm

  2. Okay, that made me cry. Wonderful wonderful thing all the way around.

    Comment by Teresa — July 24, 2009 @ 12:38 pm

  3. I too cried. And Jimbo, you do not normally make me cry, particularly not for a good thing… But I needed it. Thanks!

    Comment by jck — July 24, 2009 @ 12:59 pm

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