March 19, 2005

Spammer Prose.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 3:32 pm

Of course, there is absolutely nothing good about comment spam. We all spend an inordinate amount of time trying to block it, and, once spammed, to quickly dispatch it to the cyber trash bin.

I do, however, find it curious that these shithooks think that the little messages they insert into comments really would fool someone into believing that it is a legitimate comment and not delete it. After all, these little love notes are intended for bloggers, and I doubt that there is a blogger on the planet that would be fooled by them.

What I find even more curios is that the persons with the sophistication to figure out how to create spambots that can distribute nine gazillion comments with one mouse click can’t manage to put one or two reasonable sentences together.

Here are a few examples that I cut and pasted directly from some of the actual “comments” I have received. As such, they are exactly as they appeared in comments section.

Comment: Lovely, I must say, there is not so much themes, which deserve a comment. This one is realy needful

Damn, I had always thought that I did have realy much themes. I’ll just have to work harder, as I do not wish to write needful posts.

Comment: 228 there is not enough time in the day, I dont even know where to start.

How about starting by telling me what’s with the “228?”

Comment: Funky days. Been browsing too long. Like your design simple but effective.

You’ve damned sure been doing something too long. Do you have hair on your palms?

Comment: I love your site. It´s really a pleasure to read through all this interesting stuff and it home.

Yep, it home just fine thanks.

Comment: It´s really a great joy being here. Your site is a varied mixture of the latest news, specified information and activ power.

Thanks, buddy. I avoid unspecified information like the plague, and I do strive for activ power, because inactiv power is hell on one’s bowels.

Comment: Hallo you! Great site. I found exactly the information I was looking for. I will recommendyou page to all my friends.

Hallo you too. I’m really happy that you will recommendme page to your friends, who most certainly live in a place where they have to cut their food with tongue depressors.

Comment: I do like this blog a lot. thanks for keeping all the spammers off it

Thank you. irony must have been your major at the home.

They’d be funny, if they weren’t so gott-damned hateful.


  1. We unsophisticated blogspot/blogger users don’t have these problems. But we have enough other problems!

    Comment by moos — March 19, 2005 @ 4:54 pm

  2. Haha…that was a great take on the spammers, Jim.

    Comment by zonker — March 19, 2005 @ 8:45 pm

  3. These little detours that technology takes us on have been interesting to say the least. Spammers and emailers forced into creative flights of fancy to fool the spam patrol, who’d have thought it? But I agree the charm is fleeting – this stuff is rude and (yes) hateful and even destructive in terms of the time it takes to keep dumping it. It’s worse than spammail – it’s blog graffitti.

    Comment by Mr. Snitch! — March 19, 2005 @ 10:34 pm

  4. Yep, and I’ve had just about enough of it. I’m planning to install moderated and/or registered commenting if I can figure out how to do it. Craig, I may be e-mailing you for help next week.

    Comment by rita — March 20, 2005 @ 7:43 am

  5. I can think of one benefit to the fake messages: I’m mildly less likely to go out of my way to delete a comment that looks at least marginally like a comment. I left a bunch from this one site that figured out what I was commenting about and would put in a quote on the general subject (politics, religion, etc.). But then another one just posted links and I was thorough about deleting all of those.

    There was one guy from Nigeria (or South America) who left a comment who is in a bit of a financial pickle. He left comments on a few of my posts. Since I didn’t get the alert email, I don’t know which ones, though.

    Comment by R. Alex — March 23, 2005 @ 3:33 pm

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