May 13, 2005

He’s No Blogger.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 9:00 pm

On Thursday, one of Imus in the Morning’s of late, typically liberal pukes guests was Jon Corzine.

My first reaction was to immediately change the station, as I do when Imus fawns over John Kerry or Paul Bagala.

However, having been an Imus listener for more than a couple decades (lately, I find myself wondering why), I returned to the Imus program to listen to what our Senator from New Jersey had to say.

After listening for a few minutes, my impression was that this guy had better never criticize the President for his lack of articulateness. In my view, what he had to say was pure garble, and socialist garble at that. I was, however, prepared to give his early morning radio word salad the benefit of the doubt, traceable to my disapproval of his performance as a Senator and my desire that he never become the governor of this state.

I now see that Mr. Corzine has decided to dip his toe into the Blogosphere as a featured guest poster on Ms. Huffington’s “blog.” Enlighten New Jersey does a wonderful job ot politely showing that Mr. Corzine could use a grammar tutorial as well as a lesson on using Mister Spell Check before posting.

Enlighten New Jersey notes:

We never learn what Corzine’s going to Iraq had to do with figuring out how to prevent another attack, but he did discover American “soldiers are professionals in the most magnificant sense of the word..” (We couldn’t find “magnificant” in the dictionary, but we will assume Corzine was impressed with our soldiers.)

It saddens me to think that this guy, who is apparently bored with being s Senator and who is rich enough to buy yet another public office, is very likely to be our next governor.

But maybe, just maybe, he will clean up the Jersey Political Swamp.

Then again, maybe, just maybe, I’ll stick a feather in my ass and fly to Pittsburgh.


  1. I’m betting on you and Pittsburgh, Jim.

    Comment by DMerriman — May 13, 2005 @ 10:18 pm

  2. I share your disgust of Imus, but change the station and then what? The undeniable fact is that talk radio stinks around here.

    I was heartened to read a prediction by Garrison Kellior (yuk!) in The Nation (yuk!) about the demise of big radio syndicates and lowest common denominator programming due to audience shifts towards satellite and interent radio and their own programming via iPods. This would clear the way for the return of eccentric hyper-local broadcasting done by the likes of your Uncle Joe and the cat lady down the street.

    I can hardly wait. It’s got to be an improvement over what we’ve got now.

    Comment by Suzette — May 14, 2005 @ 4:19 am

  3. I’m with Dave. If I had to go with one or the other I’d put my house on Air Jimbo.

    Comment by Sluggo — May 14, 2005 @ 9:10 am

  4. I vote for the feather in the ass, too.

    Comment by Acidman — May 15, 2005 @ 6:21 pm

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