June 12, 2005

New Baby!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 10:02 am

Congratulations to my friend Craig and his Spousal Unit on the occasion of the arrival of a baby girl, Kiran Lee, this morning. And, he’s got pictures up.

Here’s how I learned of this from “The Nicest Guy in the Blogosphere.”

I was having connectivity problems accessing the Movabletype page on which one runs da blog. I dropped Craig an e-mail asking if and only if he had a spare moment, he might take a look at the problem.

Three minutes later, my phone rang, and the conversation went something like this.

Craig: “Hi Jim, it’s Craig. I think I fixed that problem for you.”

Jimbo: “Craig! Jesus, that was fast. What was the problem?” (As if I would be able to understand the answer.)

Craig: “Well, the … ” [lots of technospeak followed].

Jimbo: “Hmmmm. I’ll pretend that I understood what you just said. Hey, when are you guys going to have that baby? I know that it’s any day now, right?”

Craig: “About four hours ago.”

Jimbo: “WHAT?? You had a baby four hours ago, and you’re on the farookin’ phone with ME about a blog problem?”

Craig: “Well, I just got in from the hospital and I planned on making a few phone calls and then taking a nap. I saw your e-mail, so I fixed the problem.”

After a bit of chatting about the happy event, I suggested that he probably had more important phone calls to make than this one and that he should make them and then take that nap.

I figure that Baby Kiran Lee hit the jackpot in the Parents Lottery.


  1. Well, I had to sign on to upload pictures anyway. 🙂

    Comment by Craig — June 12, 2005 @ 12:03 pm

  2. I figure that Baby Kiran Lee hit the jackpot in the Parents Lottery.

    I agree, Kiran is one very lucky girl.

    Comment by Randy — June 12, 2005 @ 1:47 pm

  3. Yet another sweet blog baby!

    Craig of MTpolitics and the Spousal Unit are the new parents of a daughter, Kiran Lee, born in the wee sma’s this morning…. Go congratulate them and check out the pictures! She couldn’t ask for nicer parents…….

    Trackback by Not Exactly Rocket Science — June 12, 2005 @ 2:27 pm

  4. Yes, a most lucky baby!

    Comment by moos — June 12, 2005 @ 2:44 pm

  5. Heh…ain’t that just like Craig? He does us Montanans proud!

    Comment by david — June 12, 2005 @ 3:43 pm

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