August 11, 2005

“Why Casey Sheehan Died.”

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 7:54 pm

Much has been written and broadcast about the efforts of Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a soldier killed in Iraq, to meet with the President in Crawford Texas. Arriving in Crawford in a bus on which was painted “Impeachment Tour,” Ms. Sheehan seeks to ask the President, among other things, “Why did you kill my son? What did my son die for?”

Without questioning the genuineness of this woman’s unfathomable grief, Kid Various, at The Idiom, posits an answer to her question. In addressing her question, Kid Various eloquently tells us why losing the war against Islamofascists is not an option.

A sample:

[T]he enemy cannot destroy the United States of America. Not with one nuclear weapon, not with ten. Nuclear strikes would be a disaster unprecedented in American history, but they could not destroy us. Only we can do that.

The post delves into the unthinkable consequences of this country’s failure to prevail. To say it is chilling would be a gross understatement.

Go read it all. Please.


  1. Nothing quite pisses me off as much as the way this is being covered. Casey enlisted in the Army in 2000. His mother did not sign the enlistment papers, he did. While on leave, Ms. Sheehan tried to convince him to go AWOL to Canada. Casey refused and told her that as much as he didn’t want to go to Iraq, his buddies were there and he couldn’t let them down.

    We’re all a little poorer for having lost Casey. He was a straight-up honest guy with alot more integrity than his mother is displaying. Instead of honoring her own son’s true character, she is making him out to be some sort of friggin idiot by stating that “he never imagined being involved in a combat situation.” Any of us who have been in the military know that you would have to be a complete imbicile to believe that. You know from the moment you receive small arms training why they are teaching you to shoot (both sides). You can’t help but notice almost every street sign on your base or post has the name of someone who died in a “combat situation.” You may think it’s not probable, but you know it’s always possible.

    I give Ms. Sheehan credit for having raised a son with the character to honor his fellow soldiers even while he knew it might cost him his life. If only she could pull her head out of her ass long enough to see what a great guy he really was.

    Comment by Dan — August 12, 2005 @ 12:39 am

  2. Not in MY Name

    Casey Sheehan was such a person, In a website I often go to called Parkway Rest Stop Casey ( I will NOT allow this brave man’s name to go unmentioned) is discussed

    Trackback by Committees of Correspondence — August 14, 2005 @ 6:29 am

  3. It is the most painful of fears that all family of active duty military live with every day, the loss of that military member forever, in a war. I know, my son served in Iraq the first year with an airborne sapper combat engineer unit attached to the 101st Airborne. Just the thought of it, each time we heard of another family losing thier hero, brought tears and indescribable pain. The single night I spent in the hospital writhing in chest pain, accepting three shots of morphine before I could relax, and being told I had a sever attack of gastrointestinitis brought on by stress is only one night of unbearable pain, and that was more than enough for me. I shudder to think of the pain that Cindy Sheehan, and the rest of the Sheehan family is living with.

    However, this lady has crossed the line from “mother in pain” to leftist activist and is now degrading the honorable supreme sacrifice of her son. As the parent of a son who not only volunteered for military service, but re-enlisted after 9-11, I can tell you that this sickens me. Her son is not here to tell her to just shut-up, and the communist inspired anti-war leftists who are always on the streets whenever America has an enemy, are using her as a willing pawn in a political war of words. Of course, the media is having a field day with this, as they have been trying to bring down President Bush since before he was elected in 2000. None of this circus atmosphere is a surprise to anyone who has a basic kowledge of the real agenda of the media wing of the democratic (read socialist) party.

    Every question that Ms.Sheehan allegedly wants President Bush to answer has already been answered in the media during the relentless bashing the media has leveled against the President. One would have to be a moron not to know exactly how President Bush would answer each and every one of the questions this lady has put out in the media for the President to respond to. Therefore, this isn’t about SPC Casey Sheehan’s death, it is about Cindy Sheehan’s leftist leanings. She has a soap box now, only unfortunately, it is a flag draped coffin that should not be stepped on and disrespected in this manner.

    I ache and weep for the loss of the Sheehan family, but I get nauseus each and every time I see the mother of this fine soldier, Specialist Casey Sheehan, using his death as a pulpit to spout her anti-war, anti-Israel viewpoints. This should make even the leftist media sick, but these folks will stop at nothing to bring down a Republican, even resorting to faking memos, misreporting the facts, and outright lying when they feel it is neccessary. Where will this circus lead? May I suggest a call to Hanoi Jane, Ho Chi Kerry, Ted “Chappaquiddick” Kennedy, and the NY Times for an answer to that one?

    Comment by Jeff "Mario" Smith — August 15, 2005 @ 3:21 pm

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