December 13, 2005

A Drink With A-Peel.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 10:38 pm

99 Bananas.jpgI have said in the past that my four favorite places to shop are: bookstores, record stores, musical instrument stores, and, yes, liquor stores.

Each time I shop at my local mondo liquor store, it is an adventure – an expensive adventure, but an adventure nonetheless. In addition to trying to always keep my rather impressive stock (if I must say so myself) up to date, I always buy something new to try. Sometimes its goofy, and sometimes it’s not. Sometimes it turns out to be a good move, and other times, it’s a stinker, but it’s always fun.

My most recent goofy choice that turned out to be quite a treat was a bottle of “99 Bananas”. It is banana-flavored schnapps. I take it directly from the freezer and fill a tall shooter glass. Throw that right back, and it’s like having a mouthful of icy cold, liquefied bananas. Like a banana, it is on the sweet side, but don’t let the fruity taste fool you into uttering the famous last words, ”Ooooh, this is delicious. I could drink these all night.” Try it, and you’ll be flat on your arse, because this stuff packs a 99 proof wallop.

I wound up tasting my way through the entire bottle (over several days) and never got around to trying some of the mixed drinks that one can make with the stuff, which are listed here. The three that caught my eye are: the “Screaming Banana,” the “Banana Cream Pie,” and, perhaps the most interesting and even a bit unsettling (at least in terms of its name), the “Flaming Cock Smack.” OUCH!!!

I’m definitely in for another bottle and a bit of experimentation. In fact, while I’m at the store, I will also pick up one bottle each of “99 Apples,” “99 Blackberries,” and “99 Oranges.”

I’m particularly pleased with these latest finds, because they contain absolutely no cholesterol, and, besides, Doctor Doctor said I should eat more fruit.

Developing …


  1. That sounds like it could be pretty damn good… with the exception of the screaming cock smack. I’ll pass on that, thank you very much.

    Did you happen to notice if they had a 99 Red Balloons? Kinda figured that might choke a person…

    Comment by That 1 Guy — December 14, 2005 @ 12:16 am

  2. yummy…

    liquid candy….

    Comment by armywifetoddlermom — December 14, 2005 @ 1:56 am

  3. Mmm. That sounds like somethin’ I’d like to try. I’m with you; the schnapps MUST be icy cold, though. Otherwise, no matter how good it might taste, it’s coming back up.


    Comment by Margi — December 14, 2005 @ 3:00 am

  4. Hmm, would be nice to have a few of those recipes, since I doubt BFE Illinois has anywhere that would stock that. Just in case I come out of retirement as a liquid therapist, of course.

    Comment by Raging Mom — December 14, 2005 @ 6:50 am

  5. 99 Apples rocks.

    Comment by The Colossus — December 14, 2005 @ 7:24 am

  6. Thanks for the heads up, Jim. I’m normally a beer or scotch kind of guy but do enjoy the occasional schnapps. These all sound great (especially the 99Apples and 99Blackberries) and I will definitly be trying them out soon.

    Comment by joated — December 14, 2005 @ 8:28 am

  7. This sounds like a must try!!

    Comment by Vipergirl — December 14, 2005 @ 9:29 am

  8. I don’t have to have Sex and The City on the tube while drinking this stuff, do I?

    Comment by Sluggo — December 14, 2005 @ 11:46 am

  9. Oh, yum. Sounds great!

    Sounds like I’d have way too many without realizing it.

    Sounds like I’d have a headache for two days.

    But it really does sound yummy- and I’m a beer and scotch kinda gal, myself.

    Comment by Sharon GR — December 14, 2005 @ 11:48 am

  10. When I joined the service in 1995 my then girlfriend loved 99 Banaba’s

    We drank to the bottle

    To this day I can’t even smell the stuff without getting ill 😉

    Comment by BloodSpite — December 15, 2005 @ 12:44 pm

  11. …Flaming Cock Smack… *snickering*

    Comment by Princess Cat — December 15, 2005 @ 3:24 pm

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