December 6, 2004


Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 7:54 pm

As a result of the hard work of some well-placed sources, I managed to get an interview with a genuine comment spammer. Here’s how it went:

Jimbo: “What is your name, sir?”

Spammy: “My name is Sammy, but people in the business call me ‘Spammy.’ Kinda catchy, no?”

Jimbo: “Frankly, no.”

Spammy: “No sense of humor? That’s your problem.”

Jimbo: “I’m really not interested in your attempts at humor. I am, however, interested in learning more about what goes on in the minds of spammers like you.”

Spammy: “Let’s be clear here. All spammers are not alike. Don’t lump me in with the e-mail spammers. I am a ‘comment spammer’ – a specialist.”

Jimbo: “Oh, I see. A specialist, are you? .How many bloggers’ comments do you figure that you spam in a given day.”

Spammy: “cheapsattlelitetv dot com Are you kidding? I can spam 100,000 comments with a single mouse click. And, I can fit lots of mouse clicks into one day, let me tell you. penisextension dot com

Jimbo: “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

Spammy: “cheap tickets dot com What do you mean, what do I think I’m doing? onlinepoker dot com

Jimbo: “You son of a bitch. You’re spamming this conversation!”

Spammy: “texasholdem dot com Yeah, what of it? I never miss an opportunity. refinancenow dot com”

Jimbo: “Do you realize how many bloggers would like to cut your limbs off and feed them to you?”

Spammy: “freemovies dot com Sucks to be them, I guess. hotsex dot com

Jimbo: “Do you have any idea how much I would like to cut your heart out and shove it up your ass?”

Spammy: “cheap Levitra dot com Well, then I guess it really sucks to be you, doesn’t it? lovematch dot com”

Jimbo: “Don’t push me, shitball.”

Spammy: “sisteraction dot com What are you going to do Chicky? Delete me? Bwahahahaha…….This interview is over. And, oh your comments are MINE! girlsongirls dot com

Well, I tried.


  1. Brilliant Jim, just brilliant!

    Comment by Sgt Hook — December 6, 2004 @ 9:36 pm

  2. Spews over my spammy?

    Jim owes me a fresh refill of Dr. Pepper and a roll of paper towels for the spewin’ spree this set off….

    Trackback by Read My Lips — December 6, 2004 @ 9:48 pm

  3. Ewww…

    …conversation spam. It just keeps getting worse….

    Trackback by resurrectionsong — December 6, 2004 @ 10:06 pm

  4. Jim, you need to kick Spammy’s ass. Come to Athens this weekend, I got the shine, take care, Catfish.

    Comment by Catfish — December 6, 2004 @ 11:46 pm

  5. Congratulations!

    They say you start to forget things as you age.

    What was I about to post about?

    Oh right, very funny guy who consorts with spammers has reached his big send blogiversary,

    Trackback by Accidental Verbosity — December 7, 2004 @ 12:29 am

  6. Dammit…so close, Jim, and yet so far.


    Comment by david — December 7, 2004 @ 12:36 am

  7. Jimbo Caught One!!…

    … and he didn’t KILL him… that is just plain wrong… personally, I can’t hold it against Jim… I blame New Jersey’s Gun Control laws…….

    Trackback by Straight White Guy — December 7, 2004 @ 8:37 am

  8. LOL! Love it. Next time you can get him, let me know and we will get around those assinine laws up there by using a spoon. Why, because it will hurt more, and take a much longer time.

    Comment by Laughing Wolf — December 7, 2004 @ 9:56 am

  9. I generally eschew ritual beheadings, but in this case I’d have gone for it.

    Comment by Velociman — December 7, 2004 @ 11:14 am

  10. Next time, let me know when you corner one of those critters. I have rope and you have trees in New Jersey, don’t you?

    I’ll perform the ritual evisceration before we string the bastard up.

    Comment by Acidman — December 7, 2004 @ 11:57 am

  11. Hey boys…save some for me.

    Comment by Sam — December 7, 2004 @ 12:38 pm

  12. Sheilah… and every other part of his body too. I recommend the old ‘draw and quarter’.

    Oh… and don’t forget referrer spammers. Check your stats and check your referrers. I’m willing to bet you have a lot that are from or…

    That particular bunch has actually taken down some sites. They go through like an out-of-control search bot and hit every page they can find.

    Comment by Kathy K — December 7, 2004 @ 9:21 pm

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