November 1, 2012

Blogmeet, Hurricane Sandy Refugee, Spouse Home Without Power, Stranded Daughter, Gas Lines, Closed Stores, and an Oak Tree Falls on Son-In-Law – Oh My.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 9:25 pm

As for me and mine, we are all safe and, as of very recently, we have power, although it was pretty hairy there for a while. I had left on Thursday to attend a blogmeet in Tennessee (see previous post), which would run from Friday through Sunday morning. It was great seeing so many bloggers and former bloggers, all of whom have become good friends over the years.

During the blogmeet, I had been keeping an eye on the weather forecast for New Jersey, and when Sunday rolled around, it was clear that any thought of driving from Tennessee to New Jersey during a hurricane was just plain nuts. Elisson and his bride graciously offered me and Erica (who, along with her camera, was riding with me) an invitation to ride out the storm at their home two hundred miles south, in Georgia. Their warmth, friendship and hospitality (and that of their lovely and charming daughter) were beyond excellent. I shall never forget how wonderful they were to us.

So, while I was safely tucked away in Georgia eating well and doing cocktails, Mrs. Parkway was home at the Jersey shore while the hurricane was pounding the Jersey Shore and knocking out the power. Daughter had driven to Pennsylvania to attend a business meeting and ended up with a canceled meeting and being stranded in a darkened hotel (Hotel staff: “Don’t worry; we have glow sticks.”)

When daughter learned that a large oak tree fell on a portion of her roof, two fences, the generator and her husband, she scrambled to make the trip from central Pennsylvania back to New Jersey, encountering road block after road block. What should normally have taken four hours, took eight hours. The emergency room docs have confirmed that son-in-law is OK, albeit a bit banged up and sore. Communication between Georgia and either Mrs. Parkway or daughter during all this was initially spotty and eventually all but non-existent. It made for some serious pacing and nail biting.

On Wednesday, when it appeared that the worst was over and that gasoline outside of New Jersey would not likely be a problem, we struck out for the now-battered Garden State, and 940 miles later I was home by midnight. I had a couple ample slugs of bourbon and spent a few hours catching up on all that I had missed.

Frankly, it’s all been a bit much to get my arms around, particularly when it comes to the breadth of the destruction in New Jersey. Most of the media attention has been given to the Jersey Shore area, where the storm made its landfall, but people all over the state are under water and/or without power, dealing with closed stores and critical gas shortages. The worst cases are, of course, people who have completely lost their homes to the storm.

New Jersey is a small, but densely populated state with lots of communities. As such, it is not uncommon, even in this small state, for us to never have visited or even know much about many of its communities. There is one huge exception to the rule, and that is Seaside Heights. I don’t know a soul who is unfamiliar with Seaside Heights, and most have many, many fond memories of the iconic shore town.

Working class families (such as my parents and extended family) would save all year for a week or two “down the shore,” which inevitably included either a rented bungalow in or near Seaside Heights and endless hours on the boardwalk enjoying the games, the rides and the food (I’m thinking sausage, pepper and onion sandwiches). Maybe it’s the atmosphere and salt air that makes the food on the boardwalk taste special. I never figured it out.

Anyway, it’s gone. Taken away by Hurricane Sandy.

To see numerous heart-breaking images and videos, Google “Seaside Heights Hurricane Sandy”.

One place in Seaside Heights that seems to have escaped any damage is the “Jersey Shore House.” It’s ironic, given the damage that that Snooki and that collection of reprobates did to the image of the real Jersey Shore.

February 21, 2008

Spring Blogfest East (a/k/a Jersey Blogmeet)

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 11:13 pm

Fausta, a Premier Jersey Blogger, contacted me for advice about having a Jersey Blogmeet (to which non-Jersey peeps are also encouraged to attend), and before I knew it, plans were made for an April 5, 2008 shindig in a brewery-restaurant in beautiful Princeton, New Jersey.

Fausta has all the deets HERE.

I’ll be there, and I hope you will be there too. Move fast, because space is limited.

P.S. While in Princeton, you can visit the campus of Princeton University, Rutgers’ younger cousin.

January 17, 2006

Austin Blogmeet.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 9:55 pm

Austin Sign.jpgYes, I have joined the ranks of the Blown-Eyed Blodgers who will be attending the Blogmeet in Austin, Texas from April 28th – April 30th. As an extra added attraction, daughter TJ will be coming with me. It will be a Father – Daughter Road Trip, a first, to my knowledge, for a Blogmeet.

I hear that the folks in Texas don’t mind a guitar or two in the state, so I’ll be bringing mine.

See y’all there!

November 1, 2005

Blogmeet — Tennessee Style.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 12:35 am

Counting the past weekend at Eric’s, I’ve attended three sorta-large blogmeets and one smaller one, and describing them is never easy. On the most basic level, there’s the physical thing. One is always, always dog tired after one of these events, which invariably involves heavy drinking a few cocktails, ridiculous late-night hours much discussion, and most times significant travel, with all the stress that comes with that territory.

However, perhaps more importantly, blogmeets are difficult to write about, because there is always so much going on all the time, making it impossible to tell the story in anything other than in a bit of disjointed fashion. There is no agenda.

Now that I’ve stated the problem, I cannot offer a solution. I, therefore will do, as I have in the past, which is to let my fingers do the “talking” and hope it comes out in something resembling English.

It was a swirl of activity and hilarity from beginning to end. We shot pool, shot guns, drank shots, cussed like sailors, ate like cave men, sat around a fire, played and sang a bunch of tunes and generally raised a bit of hell.

Some of the crew from past blogmeets where in attendance, such as Eric, our gracious host, (and his immeasurably understanding bride). Zonker (and his mullet which appeared only late on Night Two) and the lovely Key Monroe (along with her nice guy husband – his first exposure to a blogmeet) were also on the case. And, then there was Denny, who served as the other half of the “Elderly Brothers” (apologies to Don and Phil) as we played guitars and sang lots of “Elderly Brothers” faves. Denny, who with his atomic kazoo, served double duty as the “horn section” and, not surprisingly, wowed the audience.

There were also a host of bloggers there whom I had never met in person, and, as has been the case at prior blogmeets, they were all great peeps.

Foist, da goils:

Army Wife Toddler Mom (“AWTM”): She was the first “new” blogger I met. She is a genuine fox a very striking woman. She confided in me, before the craziness started, that this was her first blogmeet and that she was a bit nervous about meeting so many new people. More specifically, she was concerned about the possible unease that often accompanies long periods of silence that can occur when “strangers” all find themselves in one place

I assured her that, just as nature abhors a vacuum, bloggers abhor silence. We They are all incurable blabbermouths. Silence simply does not erupt at blogmeets. Ever. Not surprisingly, she took to the blabfest like a duck takes to water and even earned the moniker of “Red Hot Martha Stewart,” a product of her good looks, charm and mastery of things domestic.

Princess Cat from A Swift Kick & a Band-Aid: Cat, is a displaced Californian who currently hangs her hat in Washington D.C., but who discovered this weekend that blogging transcends geography, big time. She has a great sense of humor with just the right amount of Northeastern edge. She managed to make the hair on the back of my neck stand up with a real-live ghost story. And, when it came to party stamina, she (and AWTM) went the distance.

Boudicca, of Boudicca’s Voice: How often does one run into a woman who is stunning, funny as hell and who also happens to be a farookin’ rocket scientist? Really. Also, she claims to actually like listening to the “Elderly Brothers”. What’s not to like about that? She is most definitely a class act.

Mordicca, Sister of Boudicca: Holy Cannoli. I’ll be damned if she doesn’t look like Sarah Jessica Parker wishes she could look. She and Bou prove that it is possible to hit the jackpot in the genetic lottery more than once. In conversation, they play off each other, making it plain that they truly enjoy each other’s company, and they unselfishly share that gift with everyone around them. Mordicca reportedly has a boyfriend. I hope that guy doesn’t let her get away.

Tammi, of Tammi’s World: Finally, finally I got a chance to meet Tammi, whom I have “known” online for the longest time. She is everything I expected her to be and more. It takes all of about five seconds to feel you’ve known her forever. It is also not at all surprising that she was a major thorn in the side of the people who were in charge of the Mennonite School she attended. “Tammi, you know that bikini-wearing, dancing, drinking, and throwing punk parties is frowned upon in this school.” Cracks me up to hear those stories. Oh, and the girl can sing too. She capped off the weekend by running her fingers through my “great farookin’ hair,” thereby keeping her promise to Teresa of Technicalities (who, unfortunately, was not able to make it). Ya gotta love Tammi.

Smiling Dynamite: Also known as the “Beloved Wife” of Harvey of Bad Example. Harvey hit the long ball when he married her. She is a delight. I didn’t get to spend as much time with her as I would have liked, because she and Harvey did not arrive until Saturday, and that’s when Denny I did most of our noise making guitar pickin’. She seemed to actually like the noise, which makes her Aces in my book.

Sissy of And What Next: An exceedingly nice young raven-haired woman, who impressed me most by doing two things: (1) Having the courage to actually publicly don the hat with the horns on it, and (2) Actually asking Denny and me to play more. The former causes me to admire her party style, while the latter calls into question the state of her hearing. I like her.

Beth of She Who Will Be Obeyed: She is one of the blogging Donovans, who came all the way from Kansas with husband John to attend the event. She is a real nice person, with an ever-present smile and always ready with a story. She and John took front row seats to the “Elderly Brothers” concert. I hope that wasn’t just because they happened to be the most comfortable seats in the room. 😉

And now, for da boys:

Matt of Blackfive: This is one truly impressive guy. His strong military background and dedication to active duty military personnel and veterans is well known to his legions of readers. I wonder how many of his readers know that he is also an extremely easy going and friendly guy, who is a pleasure to be with and who enjoys a few cocktails. I’m going to make it my business to buy one of those Blackfive tee shirts and help support Soldiers’ Angels, and I urge you to do the same. I hope to see him again.

Harvey of Bad Example: Now, this is a real good guy, who has a most engaging personality and a lightening fast sense of humor. Many of the attendees are part of Harvey’s Blog Family, and it’s easy to see why he has spawned so many “offspring.” He has an eye for good writing and the ability to encourages those who can write (and may not even realize it) to give blogging a try. Besides, he came to the blogmeet armed with a bag of quality cigars to share, which is always a good thing. It did, however, take me a few minutes to convince him that I really am a drummer and not a guitar player, which, come to think of it, made me feel pretty good myself and about Harvey.

That 1 Guy: This is a bear of a guy who, a few months ago, drove his Harley from somewhere north of Chicago to Eric’s house in Tennessee – in the rain. He looks like a guy I would not want to have angry with me, but it takes about the duration of a handshake to see that he is a extremely friendly guy, who can even manage to smile while dealing with a seemingly intractable nosebleed. He also plays guitar. Next time, I hope he brings his axe.

John of Castle Arrgghhh: John has encyclopedic knowledge of weaponry and things military, and the distinguished look to go with it. I fully expect to turn on the TV one day and see him on the History Channel wearing white gloves while demonstrating the features of World War One British firearms. In addition, he surprised the hell out of me when, during a musical brain fart, I jokingly began singing a song in German, and he began to sing along! Yep, I figure that the History Channel is in John’s future.

Redneck of Redneck Ramblings: I’ve “known” ‘Neck for some time online, but I’d never met him. After having done so, I’m convinced that anybody who doesn’t like Redneck must have his head in his ass. This is a guy whose “down home” style belies a rapier sharp wit and the ability to deliver nonstop laughs. I got the chance to spend some time with him sitting on the tailgate of his pickup (something we don’t get to do very often around here) and shooting the shit about everything from dogs, to golf, to beer drinking. Quality time, man.

RSM of When the Smoke Clears: I regret that the only chance I got to chat with RSM was while a bunch of the guys were standing around watching Eric work his grilling magic on the ribs (pronounced “REE-ubs” in Tennessee). He left for his three-hour drive home while Denny and I were doing our act. I hope I have the chance to see him again.

Johnny Oh of Closet Extremist: What’s not to like about a guy who can strum and sing a John Prine tune folllowed by the hillbilly version of “Gin and Juice,” and who can fix elevators? Johnny wears an ever-present that makes me think that good nature and a constant smile is a Tennessee Thing.

Jason and Brad: The former is Eric’s buddy and fellow pool shark and the latter is Eric’s cousin. These two, like Johnny Oh and Eric further prove that being friendly and smiling all the time must be part of the Tennessee Culture.

And FINALLY, a special word about our Host and Hostess: I’ve known Eric for a couple years now. This is the third blogmeet I’ve attended with him, and, in addition, we got to spend a couple days together when he interrupted his and Mrs. SWG’s vacation in New York City this summer to come across the river to my neck of the woods. He is a great writer, and, I’m happy to say, a great friend. He broke his ass to see that everyone felt at home in his home, and for that, I am most grateful. As for Mrs. SWG, she is just plain super – in every way. I figure the luckiest day in Eric’s life was the day that he first “chatted her up” in Scotland. Thank you both.

It was great seeing you all, and I hope to do so again.

April 4, 2005

The Day After, The Day After da Blogmeet.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 9:10 pm

I arrived home very late from work. Although I have something in mind to write, I may not get to it, because I will be updating Mr. Blogroll, a process that often results in painful hair.

Let’s see how it goes, shall we?

Update: Dammit!! So far, about half of the Jersey Sites I want to link to are unreachable. I wonder if flooding all over the farookin’ state has anything to do with it.

Nah. I figure it must be me — or, at least in part, BlogSnot.

April 3, 2005

Da Jersey Blogmeet is Now History. (Updated)

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 2:49 pm

It was a helluva party.

Before I say another thing about it, I wish to acknowledge and thank those whose assistance made the event a success.

Thanks to daughter TJ and Mrs. Parkway who showed up like the Marines before the party and told me to get out of the way so that they could make the place presentable and set up the food.

Thanks to Ken, my “bodyguard” and to Jeff, “da Chef of da Future,” both great friends and Usual Suspects, for volunteering to tend bar and for keeping everyone’s glass full and ensuring that I was never without a beer in my hand. They also selected and played the music, which set the tone and provided the background for the conversational roar that inevitably exists when a bunch of blabber-mouth bloggers are in one room.

Thanks to The Original Bill and the Quietly Sinister Linda, also great friends and Usual Suspects, who voluntarily did food duty. Bill also braved the monsoon-like weather to head out to a local store to pick up a bottle and some formula for Jaynee’s son.

I don’t think it’s possible to have better friends.

Oh, and thanks to Shelley, the Yenta Usual Suspect, who made an appearance later in the evening for a couple Diet Cokes and who, in no time, knew everyone in the place. You haven’t lived until you have heard Shelley pronounce Billy Joel’s name – “Billy Jo-well.”

Thanks to Erin a/k/a Gigglechick for creating the Blogmeet logo and button that has graced so many people’s sites.

And last, but certainly not least, I want to thank Kate of KateSpot for having the idea of the Jersey Blogmeet in the first place and for helping me put it together. She also presented me with a wonderful 80 proof giftie that came with two glasses – one for me, and one for me. She also managed to circulate a card for people to sign without my noticing it. I’ve read it several times since last night, and it will remain a permanent fixture here at the House by the Parkway. She is a great lady and was a joy to work with.

As for the party itself, I think that a question posed by my friend Bill captured the essence of the gathering. Watching the bloggers interact, he asked, “Have most of these people met on another before? It looks a bit like a high school reunion.” I responded that most of the people in the room had not met before, but that we already “knew” one another. That’s the way it is with bloggers and blogging.

The problem, of course, is that there is just not enough time to spend as much time as one would like with everyone. Fortunately, I got to spend some quality bullshitting time with TigerHawk, Sluggo, and Roberto, which was a real treat. These are interesting and funny guys. Gregor came with interesting conversation and a tray of killer brownies. What’s not to like?

Patrick of took me at my word and brought his axe (a very nice Ibanez), and we got to play a couple tunes together. Speaking of tunes, I was most surprised to learn that Riss (who I figure is twelve years younger than my guitar) knows Everly Brothers songs! She said that she learned them from her father (oy!). Speaking of Riss, she introduced me to Tabasco-laced shots of tequila. Holy cannoli!! I think Riss is ready for some moonshine Georgia wine.

Shabe and Tracey, both exceeding nice folks, showed up bearing gifts, which were a real crowd pleaser. I wish I had gotten a chance to spend more time with them.

Mr. Surly a/k/a Mr. Son-in-Law, and one of the trio of excellent bloggers at The Idiom, was great company.

I was happy to finally get a chance to meet and shoot the breeze with Lynne of Shamrocketship. In the future, I’ll have to make it a point to take a drive “Downa Shore” to have a couple pops with her at her favorite Irish saloon.

I was particularly taken with Mary of Bookblog, who came early with Kate. At first she seemed to me to be a bit tentative about it all. But that didn’t last long as she settled in at the end of the bar. She’s an interesting person, with a great sense of humor. In fact, she and Kate stayed on to hang with the Usual Suspects after everyone else left. Great company.

I didn’t get to spend as much time as I would have liked with Erin, Lizbeth, Liz, Jaynee, or the Barista. My loss, for sure. I hope to remedy that in the future. As I said earlier, there is just not enough time.

Finally, as an example of the reach of the blogosphere, I, along with other bloggers, got to chat on the phone with Christina of Feisty Repartee, Dax Montana, and Zonker, all of whom called in their best wishes. Pretty amazing, this blogging thing.

Check out the sites of the attendees, as many, if not all of them, have shared their impressions of the event, and some even have posted some great pictures.

We’ll definitely do it again.

Update: It has come to my attention that I forgot to mention Cripes, Suzette. In truth, I had written a bit about my conversation with Suzette about copyright and trademarrk law (She is being hassled by the “joy of cooking” folks). I decided that I wanted to move those sentences to a different place in the post, so I “cut,” and something must have intervened (perhaps a moment of hangover relapse) before I “pasted.” I apologize, as I in no way meant to overlook this very nice person.

March 31, 2005

Da Jersey Blogmeet — Reservations Closed.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 7:19 pm

Today we managed to squeeze in a couple latecomers, but now the final headcount has been provided to the caterer, and, as such, we are unable to accommodate any additional attendees.

Thank you to those who have arranged to attend. We are looking forward to a terrific time together.

If any of the attendees has any questions, please drop me an e-mail at the address provided in the sidebar.

Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday.

March 28, 2005

Da Jersey Blogmeet.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 9:00 pm

I am making final arrangements for Da Jersey Blogmeet, which will take place on April 2, 2005. Click on da button on da left for da details. I have to provide the food guy with a final headcount on Thursday morning, so if you are interested in attending, let Kate or me know by midnight, Eastern Time, on Wednesday.

Dat’s all.

January 17, 2005

Da Jersey Blogmeet Update.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 9:29 pm

New Jersey Map.gifBecause the date originally scheduled for Da Jersey Blogmeet fell on Easter weekend, we decided to move the date of the event to Saturday, April 2, 2005.

The starting time has yet to be finalized (current thinking is sixish).

It will be held at the American Legion in Union, New Jersey.

The price ($30.00 per person) includes an open bar and a hot and cold buffet. All proceeds will benefit the American Legion.

Those interested in attending have two alternatives. You can send me an e-mail, and I will send you my snail mail address so that you can forward a check, or you can respond to Kate’s site and pay by PayPal.

The room has a limited capacity (something like fifty people), so get your money in early, lest you be left out in da cold.

January 12, 2005

Yo!!! Interested in a Jersey Blogmeet? (Updated)

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 8:54 pm


New Jersey Map.gifSome offline communication has resulted in a decision to see whether there is any interest out there in attending a Jersey Blogmeet. Discussions are very preliminary, but here’s where things are at the moment. Please understand that some or all of the following is subject to change, based upon the interest that is shown in the event.

The Date: The working date is March 26, 2005

The Time: Starting time is to be determined. It will be over when the last person leaves.

The Place: The American Legion Lounge in Union, New Jersey, which serves as the meeting place for the Usual Suspects, about whom much has been written here.

The Details: Current plans call for an open bar and catered food. Therefore, a headcount and advance payment will be necessary. (The working figure at this moment is $30-35 per person).

Of course, non-Jersey Bloggers are also invited.

If you would be interested in attending such an event, please leave a comment here or on Kate’s site, and we’ll go from there, including providing a list of hotels/motels in the area.

P.S. If you have a guitar, please feel free to bring it, provided you’re willing to play it.

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