August 10, 2011


Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 9:10 pm

First, forgive me for what appears to be milking the Fort Collins thing, but the facts are that: (a) the crap being plopped on the country by The One and his democrat and Pretend-Republican cronies sickens me to the point to where smoke comes out of my ears, and, besides, others blog it way better than I, and (b) I don’t feel like writing,because I have been taking refuge in ruminating about how great it was to make music with old and dear friends.

Anyway, with that said, here are a couple photos of a “rehearsal.” Seems to me that referring to these few sessions as “rehearsals” is an insult to the word “rehearsal,” given that a “rehearsal” presupposes the mere tidying up material already known to everyone. That was not exactly our situation, having not played before a live audience since 1968.

Saby (with his eyeglasses!)




Me. I was taking the photos, so you have to take it on faith that I was rehearsing. Here are the tools of the trade, so to speak. Yes, I did play guitar on a couple tunes, but back in the day, publicly, I always played drums.


  1. Just awesome, Jim.

    What would it cost me to book y’all for the traditional Sunday of MLK weekend, 2012, if you know what I mean *wink* *wink* ?

    Comment by Mr. Bingley — August 10, 2011 @ 10:05 pm

  2. Please, milk the Fort Collins thing for as long as you’d like. I think I speak for the majority of your readers (if not, just the commenters) when I say that The Current State Of Things makes us all want to choke. Photos of aging rockers are way better. I, for one, love looking at them.

    Comment by Erica — August 11, 2011 @ 1:11 am

  3. Jim……We got until election time 2012 to take care of the Won ….in the meantime bask in the glow of your return to yesteryear, I am so freaking jealous!

    Comment by dudley1 — August 11, 2011 @ 9:11 am

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