March 9, 2009

Are You an American Taxpayer?

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 8:49 pm

If so, here are two short videos you absolutely must see. The arrogance of our “public servants” is beyond the pale.

Here is Charlie Rangel, democrat Congressman from Harlem, a writer of tax laws and noted tax cheat, telling a citizen to “mind his goddamned business.”

Here is a a Chicago Alderman’s charming way of dealing with a citizen who wished to present him with a petition.

No comment seems necessary.

Update: I fixed the broken link. Thanks, Dave.


  1. That second link is mildly borked – it’s missing the ‘h’ at the front to make it:

    Still disgusting to see elected officials can act like that (in BOTH cases).

    Comment by Dave Merriman — March 9, 2009 @ 9:40 pm

  2. Yeap…these dirtbags were elected by “the people”. We’re in very very deep shit. I’d like to mee both of ’em in a dark ally.

    Comment by Sam — March 10, 2009 @ 7:27 am

  3. This is why everyone should be armed….1775 is coming back, and they{the politicans} are the Red Coats.

    Comment by Hoot Gibson — March 10, 2009 @ 1:25 pm

  4. Will there be a second American Revolution?

    Comment by Kevin — March 10, 2009 @ 8:28 pm

  5. Kevin…I asked that same question on my blog this morning….I belive, “When, not if”

    Comment by Pat Houseworth — March 11, 2009 @ 11:02 am

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