March 30, 2009

Why So Glum?

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 9:06 pm

Yo, Jimbo. You seem rather depressed and surly these days. Wassup?

Oh, not much, except that:

We have a Secretary of the Treasury who didn’t pay his taxes demanding the power to nationalize companies (can’t say how many or which ones), which in someone’s opinion (don’t know exactly whose that might be) are in danger of failing (not sure what “failing” means).

We have a President who has absolutely no business experience whatsoever, firing the CEO of a publicly held corporation (No, He’s not on the Board of Directors), replacing the current Board of Directors, and overseeing a reorganization plan.

We have a President using his campaign contributor database to identify and mobilize people (people whose allegiance is to Him and not to the democrat party or the Constitution) to go door to door to convince the “non-believers” of His righteousness and wisdom.

We have the legislative groundwork for a uniformed “volunteer” force, part of which will be staffed with members of ACORN, an organization with members that plead guilty to voter registration fraud in several states.

We have a Congress that targeted specific American citizens, who broke no laws, with punitive taxes, because they didn’t “like” the very contracts they had previously approved.

We are being saddled with murderous debt at the same time that our investments (and the investments of the “middle class” who are participants in a pension fund) are in the crapper.

Aw hell, maybe I’m over-reacting. The guy’s got a great smile.


  1. I once was at an AA meeting and heard a very interesting speaker. This woman was the daughter of a Mafia Don and an Apache Street whore in Dallas/Fortworth.

    Now Sicilians take blood seriously so we he found out he had a daughter the Don had her lifted out of the ghetto in Dallas/Fort Worth at about the age of 10 or so and plopped down in a Convent School.

    She grew up with what one might call “issues”

    The issues were so bad she was tried and convicted in the State of Florida for 4 counts of Murder One- Cops

    Her Mafia Don’s pull was such that her sentence was

    wait for it

    drummmmmmmmmmmmm rollllllllllllllllll

    Life time PAROLE

    Now this woman’s father told her and she said coming from where he did, she thought he knew what he was saying that there were only TWO types of people who smiled all the time

    The Simple Minded

    and those who were

    Truly EVIL

    You say?

    “The guy’s got a great smile.”?????????

    Comment by Dan Kauffman — March 30, 2009 @ 10:22 pm

  2. I can’t wait to find out what his Missus planted in the front yard………….

    Comment by Brian "Proud Air Force Vet" — March 31, 2009 @ 1:58 am

  3. “The guy’s got a great smile.”

    So does a shark…or a croc.

    Comment by joated — March 31, 2009 @ 8:58 am

  4. Not a great smile.. A great smile makes me want to smile with you. His does nothing of the kind…

    Comment by jck — March 31, 2009 @ 9:12 am

  5. The guy’s got a great smile.

    Yup. So did the Cheshire cat…

    Comment by Dave Merriman — March 31, 2009 @ 8:35 pm

  6. He talks pretty too when his teleprompter tells him what to say…

    Comment by Teresa — April 1, 2009 @ 3:02 pm

  7. “You seem rather depressed and surly these days. Wassup?”

    I thought that’s why they called the economic condition we’re in a depression. ‘Cause we’re supposed to be depressed.

    Hell, the reasons you give sound like enough to justify being depressed. That’s what all this has done for me so far.

    Comment by Dan O — April 2, 2009 @ 10:40 am

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