April 13, 2009

Beware the Dangerous Vet.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 7:55 pm

I wish I could say that this is a gag, but it’s not. It’s a video prepared for the faculty at Penn State University. The message in this video, which deals with (in the mind of the instructor) a belligerent student, could easily apply to any number of types of students, but veterans have been singled out. Pretty goddamned sickening.

I’ll shut up now and let the video speak for itself.

Via Doug Ross


  1. Disgraceful!

    Comment by Kevin — April 13, 2009 @ 9:51 pm

  2. Becoming an entirely all too common attitude!

    Comment by Jean — April 13, 2009 @ 11:42 pm

  3. Vietnam veteran redux.

    My father was discriminated against for 15 years after the war.

    This video makes me sick

    Comment by hammer — April 13, 2009 @ 11:55 pm

  4. Completely one-sided busllshit, as usual. Deep, heart-felt, in-depth conversations with the beautiful young teacher and stoic department head, which give insight into her feelings towards a supposedly borderline belligerent Vet and make one want to rescue her (if not for her insufferable whaaaaaaambulance chasing)…how about snippets of her in class teaching about the stuff which he so vehemently disagrees with? I didn’t see any of that. Why any teacher would even share with their students whether they are for or against a war (thus alienating those who disagree) is a mystery to me. The world has truly gone bonkers.

    Comment by Erica — April 13, 2009 @ 11:56 pm

  5. Ummmm… yeah.

    Any bets as to how long before we start seeing the psycho NamIraq vet storylines on TV programs?

    Comment by Dave Merriman — April 14, 2009 @ 12:06 am

  6. I didn’t watch the whole thing. I got about 1/2 way through and realized that I do not have a replacement monitor for the one I was about to break. I will offer this though: If you’re a conservative, ex-military, gun-owner ALL of the professors will both fear and loathe you.

    Comment by Mark — April 14, 2009 @ 1:09 am

  7. I never got any crap like this from students. But I taught math and I was always very careful to be sure that they were very very certain as to exactly how their grade was determined. For each problem on the test I would mention what the most common error on it was, and how many points were taken off for that error. When I would say this, you’d hear students sigh as they looked down at their paper. By doing this, my students always knew that if two of them made the same mistake they got the same grade.

    The lib arts are much more difficult because the personal beliefs of the instructor show up in their grading. The libs think they are immune to this as if they weren’t human or something.

    Comment by Carl Brannen — April 14, 2009 @ 1:29 am

  8. SHE makes ME very “uneasy.”

    Comment by dogette — April 14, 2009 @ 8:41 am

  9. Ew I’m telling you, she is CREEPY. She and I would NOT get along.

    Comment by dogette — April 14, 2009 @ 8:42 am

  10. I have watched this twice and both times I agree with the student. It is clear the Teacher has a bias against the student. I think he asked some good questions.

    Comment by hoosierboy — April 14, 2009 @ 8:43 am

  11. Showed this to my soon to be 15 year old daughter.

    Pissed off doesn’t even cover it. She’s learned to keep her mouth shut and she is still in Middle School. She’s going into High School this Fall and she’s scared already.

    I told her she was doing a good job, and not to worry. (She gets straight A’s and B’s). Maybe this new school I am trying to get her in will be better. It’s Charter, not Public.

    Good God, I pray for the youth of tomorrow.

    Comment by Gina — April 14, 2009 @ 9:16 am

  12. Jimbo……..

    No problem! all they need to do is get in touch with someone in Obama`s Education Department & arrange for several Moderate Taliban members be hired to staff a veteran`s outreach group to defuse sullen Veteran`s who feel anger or are confused of where they fit into a liberal & caring society.

    This message is approved by the Messiah , The DNC & Osama Bin Laden.

    Comment by dudley1 — April 14, 2009 @ 12:16 pm

  13. It seems like the teacher has gone out of her way to help the student. The student should explore his options and maybe go to the department head with his concerns. Perhaps they need an impartial mediator.

    Comment by Kevin — April 14, 2009 @ 12:34 pm

  14. Wow. The teacher is not professional at all. I agree with the student that it is her job to help him. She isn’t giving him any direct instructions as to what to do to improve his grade, everything is very general. If she were to sit down and give him specifics and then he didn’t make any improvements, I would understand her point. As it is, she needs to find another profession. She should not be bringing her personal beliefs into the classroom when it is obviously offending her students and making them feel prejudiced against.

    Comment by ispyu — April 14, 2009 @ 3:55 pm

  15. Oh yeah…this stuff does happen. I had a teacher at Ocean County College who was teaching a few courses I needed for this degree in insurance I was working on. Well, we went round and round over the Constitution (it was an insurance law course) and she felt that strict constructionists were draconian and past their time. Well, I gave her everything I had and ended up getting a D in the course because I was disrupting her class and giving “conflicting” messages to what she was “teaching”.
    Liberal quacks like this are everywhere.
    I hope the kid did get her fired.

    Comment by RobbieRob — April 14, 2009 @ 4:13 pm

  16. You expected something different from our liberal education system? A complete reversal of roles, in fact the vet would probably be the last to challenge the authority figure. Nice of them to throw in the token black guy with the semi-fro. 100% pure political bullshit.

    Comment by James Old GUy — April 14, 2009 @ 5:06 pm

  17. OMG – what a whiny bitch! She’s a teacher??? She sounds like a four year old. My daughter used to sound like that when she had problems with her friends – before she went to grade school. I couldn’t watch more than a third of it because I wanted to slap her.

    Oh yeah, and how incredibly patronizing… NOW should get all over this… kindly elderly man who is there to “help” the poor helpless little girl teacher because she can’t handle problems herself.

    Way to go Penn State! Insult veterans and women all in one fell swoop. Gotta love it.

    However, if that is one of their teachers – good grief – do students there ever learn anything? Or is there a major in “how to whine effectively” – that would be a BS degree – right?

    Comment by Teresa — April 14, 2009 @ 6:12 pm

  18. Oh good God!! Why why why is this allowed!?!? Singling out Vets?? That is truly disgusting…

    Comment by Richmond — April 14, 2009 @ 6:27 pm

  19. Kevin (hi), if I may…this is just my opinion, and feel free to disagree with it, but the way I viewed it, that video gave an awful lot of screen time to the teacher complaining about her Veteran student, compared with how much screen time was given her “teaching” her class? None.

    He went to her, willingly, because he needed help…he wanted to learn and improve his grades…she barely gave him the time of day and explored every avenue she could think of to simply get rid of him. She wanted to help him about as badly as I want to have roaches crawling all over me, and clearly regarded him as non-human, dangerous and hostile. But that’s just me.

    Watch it again and keep an open mind because it is easy to sympathize with the teacher…she’s young, beautiful, and vulnerable…but think about him, and where he is coming from.

    Comment by Erica — April 14, 2009 @ 9:29 pm

  20. …. good god…… what a thing to watch first thing in the morning……

    Comment by Eric — April 15, 2009 @ 7:25 am

  21. Total Horseshit of course…but what do you expect? When I returned to college from my 4 year stint which included a year of ‘studies’ in Vietnam, I got the vibe from some students and profs, but it never affected my grades.

    These days their are dupes like this bitch, who see a boogie man behind every vet or conservative.


    Comment by Pat Houseworth — April 15, 2009 @ 11:47 am

  22. Having worked at Penn State for five years, I feel that I can offer some insight.

    First, no one cares about grammar. No one. That includes, professors, staff, administrators, and students. If I had to guess, I would guess that rules of grammar have not been taught at Penn State for at least a generation.

    Second, the scene presented between the “Professor” and the “Student” betrays the lie behind this video. At Penn State, no (or precious few) undergraduate courses are taught like this. Professors RARELY IF EVER teach undergraduates, and if they do it is in sections of hundreds of students. There are no papers; there are no small sections with cute high school-ish desks. There is probably no writing of papers, and there is certainly no feedback from the professor afterwards.

    Were this a graduate course, where the class size and the presence of a professor appropriate, no one would be getting a C+ on anything, and again especially not on account of grammar. Graduate school grades do not drop that low, and people who can write well enough to be accepted into the program will not have “grammar” be the reason for low grades.

    So, either Penn State is completely full of shit, or this professor actually is discriminating against the student based on her personal views, which of course means that Penn State is full of shit.

    Comment by Auskunft — April 15, 2009 @ 2:08 pm

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