September 11, 2010

Truck Rodeo 2010.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 7:22 pm

As was the case last year, I served today as a judge in the annual truck rodeo. It is not a speed event, but rather one that stresses safety and precision.

The portion of the course I judged consisted of five small (approximately 10 inches) cones, each next to a scoring pad affixed to the ground.

Here’s how it looked.

Here is a close-up of an individual cone and scoring pad.

The driver has to roll the over the scoring pads with the tread** (as opposed to the bulge) of the right rearmost tire on the trailer (or straight truck, as the case may be) without touching the cones. As you can see, there are five scoring pads and, as such, five scoring opportunities (five or ten points per cone). Several drivers scored the max, which was 50 points. Pretty amazing, if you ask me. I don’t think I could do that driving my car.

** Yo Jimbo, what’s the difference between the tread and the bulge? As it was explained to me, “If I roll over your foot with the bulge you won’t feel it, which is not the case if I roll over your foot with the tread.”


  1. I guess I wouldn’t get any points if I knocked ’em all over… well, that lets me out of the competition. heh.

    Comment by Teresa — September 11, 2010 @ 11:53 pm

  2. Hell,I would pretend they were Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Chuch Schumer, Barney Frank & Barbara Boxer ….then run em over.
    Then I would pretend they were Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Jeremiah Wright, Louie Farrakhan & Alcee Hastings & see how far the cones would fly when hit at 100 miles per hour.
    I was going to suggest pretending they were the Democratic National Committee leadership & run them over with a steam roller…..But! that`s coming in November.

    Comment by dudley1 — September 13, 2010 @ 12:05 pm

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