My cruller is in the “stall†mode, and I have not been able to kickstart it. I suppose there are many reasons for this, most of which you would find about as interesting as reading tables of random numbers.
I figured that it might help for me to do a bit of stream of consciousness and see what happens. Here we go:
1. Hmmmmmm…….
2. There is no number 2.
If I don’t have a #2, I get completely blocked too.
Perhaps some plums?
Comment by LeeAnn — September 29, 2011 @ 8:57 pm
There’s a golden stream of consciousness
From which your notions flow.
It doesn’t take a lot of work
To get your thoughts to go.
Just drink a quart of soda pop
Or a shot or two of whiskey
To fill your bladder to the top
With lots of nice hot pisskey.
Now go, let fly that Golden Stream
Release that inhibition –
No writer’s block can long withstand
A lengthy bout of pishin’!
Comment by Elisson — September 29, 2011 @ 11:09 pm
I love reading tables of random numbers! How’d you know? It’s my favorite thing ever, next to turning my eyelids inside out and eating paint chips.
Comment by Erica — September 30, 2011 @ 5:51 pm