Take the Plunge for Barack (Updated).
I’m sure that by now you all know about The Obama Event Registry. The object of this clever stunningly idiotic idea is for The One’s supporters who have a wedding, anniversary, birthday or other gift-giving event coming up, to forego receiving a gift, but rather to ask their gift-givers to click on the Obama Event Registry to make a gift to the Obama campaign.
PRS Operatives have learned of yet another fundraising scheme being cooked up by the geniuses running the Obama Campaign. In fact, we have obtained a copy of the fundraising letter that will mailed to The One’s supporters, and it will appear online as well. Take a look.
Dear Friends and Supporters:
Quite simply, my re-election is absolutely critical to the future existence of the United States, the world and the planet. The Republicans, obstructionist fat cat creeps that they are, just don’t seem to realize that. We’re in for a tough fight this year, and Michelle and I need your help in a big way.
In that regard, I am happy to announce our “TAKE THE PLUNGE FOR BARACK†program, which provides you with a convenient way to make a meaningful donation to my campaign and thereby ensure that I have another four years in which to finish the job of fundamentally transforming America.
It’s easy! Here’s all you have to do:
1. Create your Last Will and Testament, leaving your entire estate to my campaign. If you already have a will, you will need to write a new one to accomplish this. Don’t worry about the cost of preparing the document, as Eric Holder and I have a virtual army of lawyers available to help you, free of charge, just a click away.
2. Properly execute the document in accordance with your state’s probate laws (our lawyers can help you with this – again, at no cost to you!)
3. Once you have executed your Last Will and Testament, locate a high bridge and take the plunge. If you are having trouble finding a suitably high bridge, consider throwing yourself in front of a bus or driving into a bridge abutment. This has to be done before November, and we ask that you “Take the Plunge†no later than October 15th, as we will need all the money we can get our hands on for the final run-up to Election Day.
Do it for your Leader!
It’s the right thing to do!
Your Pal,
Update: The lunacy continues — for real.
Linked by IMAO. Thanks!
My first thought was to send this letter to the Democratic core base the Welfarian Lizards….. but they do not have any money to will to the “Take the Plunge for Obama”. Damn just Damn , I thought maybe Philadelphia might have had a chance for an honest election for a change.
Maybe the Hollywood Liberals could do this event,have Pelosi & Babs co-chair this event & lead from the front of the line.
Failing this…..take the campaign to France,they are accustomed already to failure, surrender & defeat.Besides I doubt anybody would care if half of that country jumped off a bridge or the Eiffel Tower anyway.
Comment by dudley1 — June 25, 2012 @ 11:09 am
“In latest campaign gimic Obama offers dating tips on how to score a woman like Michelle. ”
And any sane man would want to score a woman like Michelle why…?
No wonder he’s a big supporter of gay marriage.
Comment by CenTexTim — June 25, 2012 @ 7:23 pm
I don’t think I could give that pen away.
Comment by Yabu — June 26, 2012 @ 8:36 pm
I will adopt a big dog and send its droppings in a plastic bag weekly to the Obamas . In my will I will do the same with elephant dung .
Comment by john — June 26, 2012 @ 11:36 pm
Obummer should stop holding back so much. Why not really go the whole route and cast an early or absentee ballot before doing the deed. And, BTW, time the whole thing so some living Obummer worthy can also fit in voting your tombstone. It’s the Democrat way.
Comment by Dilbertnomore — June 29, 2012 @ 1:05 pm
Send in the clowns. Sorry, Jim. Heh.
Comment by JerseyJerry — June 29, 2012 @ 2:04 pm
I think I shall journey to the less publicized areas of my city & collect a sack full of used hypo`s,roach butts & condoms to send Obama to scatter around his office so he will feel like he was back in the Chicago Rathole he came from.
Comment by dudley1 — July 3, 2012 @ 8:47 am
[…] But now, Parkway Rest Stop reveals the newest Obama fundraising letter, asking donors to include Obama in their wills. […]
Pingback by IMAO » Blog Archive » Is This a Real Obama Fundraising Scheme? — July 3, 2012 @ 1:09 pm
Where’s the required approval of the death panel?
Comment by dstu — July 3, 2012 @ 3:22 pm