March 15, 2005

A Real Tennessee Squire.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 9:34 pm

Eric logo.jpgAlthough I was born and bred in the Garden State, I have been a “Tennessee Squire” for many years (Teetotalers need not apply). As such, I “own” one square inch of property in Tennessee, and I regularly receive newsletters telling me about the goings on around “my property,” which is always fun to read.

The truth is that it is not particularly difficult to become a Tennessee Squire. All one needs to do is to buy a fancy-schmancy bottle of Jack Daniels, and you’re invited. Fill out the papers, and you’re in.

However, it is an entirely different matter to actually know a genuine Tennessee Squire. I had the good fortune of having spent a half-hour shooting the breeze on the phone with one such gentleman this evening as I drove home from work on Route 78.

“Hey Jeeyum, it’s Eric.”

That’s where we began, and before I knew it, thirty miles had passed and I was parked in my driveway wishing we could continue over a few cocktails followed by dragging out the guitars and making some music.

Eric has an ongoing love affair with words, which is obvious in his writing and infectious to his readers. He is a truly a Southern Gentleman. But … children … (as Eric would say), don’t jump to conclusions. While he may be a man who easily finds beauty in a morning mist as it gently caresses the earth, he is also a Marine who I want on my side when the shit hits the fan.

I am happy to say that he’s my friend, and I have this blog to thank for that.


  1. .. thank you, sir… I’ll see you in Jekyll…

    Comment by Eric — March 16, 2005 @ 7:09 am

  2. Eh…. he’s okay for a jarhead. I’ll see you in Jekyll, too.

    Comment by Acidman — March 16, 2005 @ 7:25 pm

  3. I’ve been searching for such a long time to find someone to sponsor me as a squire. I would be so grateful if you could finally end my search. To finally sip that old no.7 as a squire would be a dream come true. Thanks

    Comment by ralph reale jr — July 16, 2008 @ 12:30 am

  4. I would love you to sponsor me to become I squire I have been looking for one and have had such a hard time even finding a squire. I would love to be part of the squire community.

    Comment by Jim Piper — November 1, 2016 @ 10:34 am

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