July 27, 2005

Look West.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 9:30 pm

Actually, I mean, if you live east of Montana, you should look west. However, if you live west of Montana, you should look east. Wait…if you live in Wyoming, you’d have to look north, and depending on where you live in Idaho, you’d have to look east or northeast. Oh, never mind!

Just look HERE for the Rascal Fair, Volume X, which is akin to the Carnival of the New Jersey Bloggers, except it is in Montana, not New Jersey, and it’s called a Fair not a Carnival. I think another difference is that you probably won’t find too many posts about neverending traffic jams, Parkway tolls, or Soprano cast member sightings.

This week’s Rascal Fair is hosted by Karen of karbonkountymoos. Karen is a native New Yorker who somehow ended up waist-deep in sugar beets under the Big Sky. Go figure.


  1. *tips hat in Jim’s direction*

    Comment by david — July 27, 2005 @ 10:26 pm

  2. God, I love Montana.

    Comment by Sluggo — July 27, 2005 @ 11:33 pm

  3. We’re just riding on Jersey’s coattails. 🙂

    Comment by Craig — July 28, 2005 @ 8:26 am

  4. Thanks, Jim. Yes, “growing up” in Astoria, visions of sugarbeets were always in my head.

    Can someone send me a souvlaki, please?

    Comment by moos — July 28, 2005 @ 12:59 pm

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