September 29, 2005

Everyday Bourbon.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 7:43 pm

I believe that all civilized people should have an “everyday bourbon” handy to smooth out the rough edges created by a hard day’s toil. It shouldn’t be hidden away in the liquor cabinet, but rather it should occupy a place in the kitchen for easy access. I have found that Jim Beam fits the bill, but I often try other brands.

My most recent “experiment” was this one, which I think does the job quite nicely, and as an Honorary Georgia Blogger, I think that its name is gott-damned inspiring.


  1. BTW, congrats on your honorariness. I don’t bourbon, but I tip my espresso to you in celebratory excess.

    Comment by dogette — September 29, 2005 @ 8:36 pm

  2. Hmm..I don’t bourbon either, your honorariness. Unless it’s Crown and then only if you buy. Have a nice time in Joisey.

    Comment by poopie — September 29, 2005 @ 8:42 pm

  3. Dogette – Celebratory Excess is my middle name. Actually, I suppose it is better said that they are my middle names.

    Poopie – If I should ever be fortunate enough to be in your company, the Crown is on me.

    Comment by Jim - Parkway Rest Stop — September 29, 2005 @ 9:45 pm

  4. If you progress to a second or third pop, you may want to have a copy of Billy Idol’s immortal song of the same name on hand to heighten the festivities. “In the midnight hour, she cried, ‘More, more more!’ Waahhhh!”

    Comment by Jack Bog — September 30, 2005 @ 2:07 am

  5. Mr. Beam always fit my tast pretty well. For you non Bourbon drinkers Crown is a Blend, not a Bourbon. You might want to try some Basil Hayden’s. It is 8 year old, small batch, Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey. It is very smooth and leaves a very pleasant aftertaste.

    Comment by Willy — October 2, 2005 @ 2:56 am

  6. Beam is a fine bourbon and usually the cheapest one in the store unless its one of that places that run specials on Olde Douchebagge. But for my ‘everyday’ bourbon (which is only a slight exaggeration) I prefer Wild Turkey. It’s a good drink, but I have to admit part of the reason is that it has a cork top. I love the sound as I pour one.

    Comment by Sluggo — October 2, 2005 @ 8:03 pm

  7. To smooth out my daily rough edges I tap into some very fine drinks and other heady contributors. It’s either a decaf latte or tea, accompanied by some wonderful sites listed on my blogroll, of which PRS is one.

    Enjoy your Rebel Yell & I too say more, more, more!

    Comment by michele — October 3, 2005 @ 8:40 pm

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