November 12, 2005

Bored With Blogging?

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 1:04 pm

Do you find yourself, all to often, fresh out of things to write about and worried that you will never, ever, ever have another thing to say worth anyone’s reading time? If so, maybe it’s time for a break. OK, but what to do when one is taking time off from writing a few hundred words per day trying to creatively explain that one has nothing to say?

You might consider doing what Bryan Berg does, which is to say, become a Card Stacker. Mr. Berg holds the record, as recorded in the Guinness Book of Records, for the Tallest House of Free-Standing Playing Cards. Surely after stacking a few thousand cards, you’ll think of something to write about.

Then again, if Ol’ Jimbo one has nothing to say, Ol’ Jimbo one can always write about a man who makes his living as a Card Stacker.

via The Presurfer


  1. Yeah, I get that way once in a while, but then I think, “what would the world do without my rapier like wit and my razor sharp repartee?” and I get over it.
    Really though, it’s hard to take a serious break. This business of sharing one’s mind with one’s fellow man is addictive.

    Comment by gregor — November 12, 2005 @ 7:58 pm

  2. Oh I was just thinking that same thing. My episodes of boredom always cure themselves, but they are growing more frequent.

    Comment by sadie — November 12, 2005 @ 10:12 pm

  3. Some might argue that I’ve been fresh out of things to write about since the day I started blogging. In fact, I might argue that myself!


    Comment by Robert — November 12, 2005 @ 11:22 pm

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