March 15, 2007

Madam Commander in Chief.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 6:54 pm

illaryH lintonC oofyG.jpgPotential future President and Commander in Chief Hillary Clinton has supported various iterations of surrender “phased troop redeployment” in Iraq, she has demanded that all troops be out of Iraq prior to the end of the Bush’s administration, and, more recently, she has stated that, once elected, she will end the war in January 2009.

Apparently, she has again changed her military mind.

During a recent interview, the possible future Commander in Chief announced that, if elected, she will leave an unspecified number of troops in Iraq for an extended period of time, according to the New York Times, to “to fight Al Qaeda, deter Iranian aggression, protect the Kurds and possibly support the Iraqi military.” She noted that military forces would stay off the streets in Baghdad (no patrols) and would no longer try to protect Iraqis from sectarian violence — even if it descended into ethnic cleansing [emphasis mine].


Will a determined Iran be “deterred” by the presence of a small number of American forces in country that are not doing much of anything?

Protect the Kurds? With how many troops? Wouldn’t a systematic attempt to annihilate the Kurds constitute ethnic cleansing, something she would order our troops to simply watch happen?

Will the American military have to check Terrorists’ ID Cards to see if they’re members of Al Qaeda before they would be permitted to fight them?

What if these Al Qaeda folks are in the streets of Baghdad (a place where our troops would not be permitted to go)? Would fighting them be permitted? Yes, because they are Al Qaeda? No, because they are in Baghdad?

What if these Al Qaeda folks engage in sectarian violence? Can Americans fight them? Yes, because they are Al Qaeda? No, because they are engaging in sectarian violence?

What if Al Qaeda folks engage in sectarian violence in the streets of Baghdad? Can Americans fight them? Yes, because they are Al Qaeda? No, because they are in Baghdad? No, because they are engaged in sectarian violence?

Exactly what will the American military personnel who are stationed Baghdad do if Baghdad descends into chaos and sectarian violence?

Perhaps they can play Parcheesi or musical chairs?

Folks, this is a woman who could end up being the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States. Can anyone who at least knows which end of a rifle the bullets come from think that is a good idea?


  1. Wasn’t her husband the one who told us that our troops would only be in Bosnia for a short period of time and then he’d bring them home. Last time I checked our troops are still there…

    Comment by Teresa — March 15, 2007 @ 9:41 pm

  2. I used all three fingers I had to vote for her over at my place Jimbo… I think she’s just … “swell”.

    Comment by RedNeck — March 15, 2007 @ 10:13 pm

  3. This skanky whore will do anything and say anything to gain power. BUT, she detests the military! I have a friend who used to do Secret Service for shrillery and bubba. He had friends in the military that did the guard duty at the White House. According to his sources, the bitch was walking out of the WH one morning. The soldier greeted her with a courteous “Good Morning, Madame”. Her reply was a nasty “Fuck off!”.

    I detest her and that idiot “partner” of hers. No way they should have ever occupied the Peoples’ WH…and I never want to see them there again. They are trash. They want all the goods of life without working for them and they crave attention 24/7. Children!

    Comment by Lee — March 15, 2007 @ 11:49 pm

  4. Teresa-
    Here’s what Willie said…

    Quotes from BILL CNC CLINTON’s Bosnia Speech, 27 November 1995:

    “the mission will be precisely defined with clear realistic goals that can be achieved in a definite period of time”

    “Our joint chiefs of staff have concluded that this mission should and will take about one year.”

    here’s the link Vern (know what I mean)***

    Hillary is like so many state lotteries…”Spin to Win”

    Comment by JihadGene — March 16, 2007 @ 1:01 am

  5. I was thinking they could sit on their thumbs and rotate in synchronized coordination with the moon…as Baghdad descends in sectarian violence.

    Comment by Erica — March 16, 2007 @ 8:42 am

  6. Jim, Jim, Jim. You worry too much. There will be a Handy Laminated Flow-Chart given to each member of the military taking part in the surrender phased troop redeployment. The soldier will simply take the laminate out and refer to it under fire and proceed from there in an orderly fashion.

    Comment by dogette — March 16, 2007 @ 10:18 am

  7. Lee, your comment is an insult to skanky whores everywhere!

    Comment by Cappy — March 16, 2007 @ 2:36 pm

  8. Yeah, I know…but what better word to describe her. She’s a whore. She completely prostitutes herself at every turn. She’s trashy. She uses people. She charges a high fee for her “service”. She is under the rule of the pimp (you know who that is). She has so long been into it that she can never get out of it. This is just the beginning. Don’t get me started…I will be here all night.

    I detest her and him.

    I jist looove them pikchurs in the laimstreme media of her in bubba’s arm! Them two are so romantik! And those lovey eyes o’ hers…lookin’ up at him with jist a glow…not to mintion respict! Kind a gits my hart to pumpin’ with goooood feeelins! It’s a feelin’ o’ sekerity looking at them two lovebirds! Don’cha jist know that they is goin’ at it ever night like two frisky rabbits?!!! Them pikchurs in the media pruves rite thar that them two clintoons have a stroooonngggg relashionship…which will most cirtinly transpose back ov’r to the wHite HoUse! Two nachral leaders will once agin be leading us little stupid peoples! Makes me drool with antisipashion!

    I detest them both. They are turds.

    Comment by Lee — March 16, 2007 @ 11:51 pm

  9. And ANOTHER thing (thanks, Jimbo, for allowing me to rant on your blog)…

    I jist cain’t git over how gull-darn UGLY she is. I jist cain’t git over it. I mean, how in the wirld does someone like her even show that face in public without makin’ all those poor little stoopid people run in terror?! And then, to top it all off…that VOICE…that HIDEOUS, NASTY and SHRILL voice! Must be some kind a rite-wing conspirosy or somethin’!

    Comment by Lee — March 16, 2007 @ 11:54 pm

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