December 24, 2007

A Few Happy Thoughts.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 12:07 pm

After yesterday’s bit of gloom and doom, and seeing as how it is Christmas Eve, here are a couple happy and gay notes – happy, anyway.

Cousin Jack grew up in Jersey (Down Neck), before he migrated to the Left Coast many years ago. He tells a wonderful story about buying Christmas trees in Jersey from “Whitey” down the block, with special emphasis on the year his family ended up with a particular stinky tree.


I found this over at Suzette’s site, and I will definitely be ordering one, even though it has no wick.


Remember Junior? He’s the cat that’s not our cat, but who regularly shows up for morning and evening victuals with a very long nap in between. Well, a few days ago, he showed up, obviously all banged up. He was not walking on his right front leg, his face was scraped and his coat looked like hell. I suspect that he had a run in with a car, and the car won.

He ate a little and crashed on his spot (even though he’s not our cat, he has a spot) and barely moved. I walked over the neighbor who has asserted dominion over owns the cat and told them that the cat was in my house, and I thought he should be taken to a vet.

The neighbor came by and took the cat, stating that he would take him to the vet. Frankly, I had my doubts. Junior didn’t show up for a couple days, and I figured that that was the end of him.

Well, I don’t know if he ever was seen by a vet, but he appeared yesterday and, although he still slightly favors his right front leg, he looked just fine. In fact, he effortlessly made the leap from the deck to the deck railing.

After morning chow, he made himself comfortable under the tree. Sorry that the picture is blurred, but, as you can see, the feline ne’er do well looks pretty good.



  1. Merry Christmas, Jim!

    Comment by Fausta — December 24, 2007 @ 12:57 pm

  2. Happy stories are best! Hope Santa brings him another life to add to his depleted collection!

    Merry Christmas, Jim, to you and yours.


    Comment by Joan of Argghh! — December 24, 2007 @ 1:44 pm

  3. Awww, I hope that cat recovers okay! I’ve heard they have nine lives so that one probably had one to spare.

    Merry Christmas to ya 🙂

    Comment by Zooomabooma — December 24, 2007 @ 1:57 pm

  4. Might as well let him spend Christmas with youse…at least he’ll be safe and warm.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours!

    Comment by Jean — December 24, 2007 @ 2:10 pm

  5. C’mon, Jimbo. You know that nobody ‘owns’ a cat – that the cat owns everything and everyone around him/her. “Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.” 🙂

    Merry Christmas, and hope you and Mrs. PRS have happy holidays.

    Comment by DMerriman — December 24, 2007 @ 2:38 pm

  6. Oh, for the love of Christ — and hey, no time like the present! — just take the farookin’ cat, because its owners don’t seem to even notice when he’s gone, and he seems to like youse so damned much.

    Besides…you, Junior, and Mr. Recliner?? God, what a great Kodak-y moment Christmas card that would make! I’ll take a few wallets and 5×7, please.

    Merry Christmas to your and your gantse mishpacha, and please extend a Christmas Noogie [with love!] to Da Bodyguard when you see him, too. I hope you get lots of nicely-aged booze.

    Ayyyyyyy, ohhhhhhhh…

    Comment by Erica — December 24, 2007 @ 2:43 pm

  7. I maded you a Christmas present, Hairboy. Since I can’t be there, I think it’s the next best thing.



    Comment by Erica — December 24, 2007 @ 3:00 pm

  8. KEEP THE CAT!!!!!!! Please! You know you’d be heartbroken if anything happened to him. Don’t let him outside anymore, either. He needs to not have anymore battles.

    He looks sweet. 🙂

    Comment by RT — December 24, 2007 @ 3:05 pm

  9. Awwww. Cute little devil.

    I was afraid to click the “Christmas present” link above, in E’s comment, but I did. It took a minute to load for me (traffic); meanwhile, as I waited for the page to load, my mind raced with possibilities: “The hair on Santa. No, the hair on a reindeer. On top of a tree? Nah. The hair on —”

    I was so very very off-base on this one.

    Comment by dogette — December 24, 2007 @ 3:32 pm

  10. So, Dogette…what you’re trying to say is….I’m getting too predictable?


    And definitely listen to RT. Please. We promise, we’re not kooky PETA Peeps, and we wouldn’t steer you wrong.

    Besides, what you’d spend on him for kitty food and litter, monthly, is about 100 times less than what you spend at the freakin’ liquor store.

    And seeing as he found himself “a spot,” I think he’s trying to tell you something.

    Comment by Erica — December 24, 2007 @ 4:05 pm

  11. E, certainly NOT predictable! Nevah! I meant I was having a fun time thinking of where the hair might appear next. THAT is unpredictable. 🙂

    Comment by dogette — December 24, 2007 @ 4:25 pm

  12. Oy! My hair is becoming as ubiquitous as Coca-Cola signs.



    Comment by Jim — December 24, 2007 @ 4:48 pm

  13. Merry Christmas,I guess you are now owned by a cat, get use to it, it doesn’t hurt much. Litter boxes are cheap.

    Comment by james old guy — December 24, 2007 @ 8:08 pm

  14. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year From the Texan in Thailand.

    Ho Ho Ho

    Comment by Gerald — December 25, 2007 @ 3:07 am

  15. Jim, Junior has found a place of peace in the House by the Parkway. Take care of him, he’ll return your love a hundred fold. He knows who the good people are.

    Comment by gregor — December 25, 2007 @ 10:29 pm

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