January 3, 2009

Palestinian Children’s Programming — Mister Rogers, it Ain’t.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 2:07 pm

In the final episode of the children’s show on Hamas TV, “Pioneers of Tomorrow,” the Mickey Mouse-like lead character, Farfour, is interrogated, beaten, jailed and ultimately “martyred.” Showing its sensitive side, Hamas spares the children from actually seeing the death of Farfour.

I’ll let this sick shit speak for itself.


  1. There were no flowers and olives and palm trees until the Jews came during the five waves of immigration dating back to the time of the Ottoman Empire. The weird thing, which I guess I never truly grasped, was that so many of the Jews who came to Israel — already inhabited by Jews…just not a majority until the five aliyot (waves of immigration) — were socialists from Eastern Europe. Most of the anti-Israel Jews today are comprised of socialists and communists who condemn Israel for using “disproportionate” force against Hamas, and for “killing women and children.” All a crock of chitsky. I don’t think I will ever get it.

    Comment by Erica — January 3, 2009 @ 3:53 pm

  2. It’s really kinda of a pity. Here you have a perverted tribe of people stuck in the 12th century, using modern technology to instill in their childern the same perverse, primative mind set. As horrible as it may be the only solution is that meaded out to the Carthaginians by the Roman Legions. Slaughter them until there is no chance of cultural continuity and sow their lands with salt to make them uninhabitable for for a thousand years. If the UN doesn’t like it, well..

    Comment by Tbird — January 3, 2009 @ 10:48 pm

  3. I just martyred a mouse-maybe his name is Farfour, also-that got into my dry goods drawers. Shitted up my cabinets like mad, just like the real human pests. Rat trap-baited with bacon-they just can’t resist. Would be happy to try it out on any Paleostinian Meeses were I called upon to help.

    Comment by Ernie Nilsen — January 4, 2009 @ 12:17 am

  4. On my cheap-assed cable plan, I get 2 English language programs. One is Bloomberg tv and the other is Aljazeera. You talk about one sided reporting… a lot like this video.

    Comment by Gerald — January 4, 2009 @ 12:19 am

  5. After seeing crap like that, I’ve got to wonder why so much of the rest of the world is so farookin willing to express support for Hamas (like during the current events in Gaza).
    Those folks are so fooked up…

    Comment by DMerriman — January 4, 2009 @ 1:20 am

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