August 28, 2004

Sun, Fun, Cocktails, and the Great Music Debate.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 2:36 pm

Usual Suspects Small.jpgYes it is sunny and hot today in the Garden State, and we are running out of summer weekends. So, we are headed over the The Deck to speng the afternoon and evening with the Usual Suspects, which will include swimming and doing water aerobics standing around and drinking in the pool. Ken, the anal cruise director, will have the water set at a pleasant temperature, so as to prevent the “oooch, ooohc, oooch” that can happen when one enters the pool of a less anal retentive host.

I expect that the music (pumped out through Bose outdoor speakers, of course) will, as always, be fodder for debate and ridicule:

“Yo, enough already with the freakin’ Motown!”

“Bullshit! Wadda you wanna hear? More freakin’ Beatles? You can’t dance to that shit.” (This would be Original Bill.)

“Skeeter Davis? Are you out of your mind?”

“The Four Farookin’ Seasons?? Gimme a break. I don’t give a shit if they’re from Jersey. Their only song worth a damn was “Rag Doll. Put on the Eagles.” (This would be me.)

…and so it goes.

I may be back later, depending on how much sun, fun, and cocktails I have had.


  1. Though likely relegated by the Usual Suspects to a dubious choice at best, I find that, despite my penchant for modern/experimental rock (and drum corps), the music of Natalie Merchant is an absolutely incredible choice for relaxiation coupled with an ice cold cosmopolitian. After a stressful week (which the last several have been), an entire evening can slip away under the beauty known as Tigerlily and Ophelia, especially when gently prodded by the liquor.


    I can never seem to convince even the most discerning music and alcohol fans of this, and I guess Ms. Merchant will forever be relegated to the realm of “guilty pleasures.”

    Comment by Auskunft — August 29, 2004 @ 6:43 am

  2. Aus, I agree! Natalie Merchant is great! I still love my 10,000 Maniacs Tribe CD. But for a summer afternoon hanging on a deck, I’d also recommend (and die for) Stevie Ray Vaughn – did I spell that right?

    Comment by Lynne — August 30, 2004 @ 10:47 pm

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