August 30, 2004

Garden Staters Dixie Bound.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 9:29 pm

New Jersey flag.jpg Rebel flag.jpg
All this talk of endless alcohol consumption, world-class bullshitting story telling, southern hospitality (even for Yankees, provided we agree to at least try grits – no sugar, of course), and free-for-all guitar playing and singing finally got to me. I therefore have decided to head down to Helen, Georgia to participate in the Jawja Blogtoberfest on October 15th and 16th. I will be bringing my guitar and however many hundreds of songs are permanently stuck in my head. I hope to get a chance to play with Eric and Acidman and anyone else who shows up with an axe (and maybe even to do a bit of harmony).

Not only will my guitar be coming with me, but I will also be accompanied by one (and possibly even two) of the oftmentioned Usual Suspects.

From what I have read here and here, I see that we will not be the only Yankees in attendance. It looks like we have the possible makings of a Yankee invasion, and we all know how things turned out the last time that happened.

I think we had better avoid wearing blue.


  1. COOL! Wish I could go too ::pouts::

    Comment by Kate — August 30, 2004 @ 9:44 pm

  2. BRING IT ON! I mean, “Let’s get the evildoers!” Welcome, sir. Welcome.

    Comment by Velociman — August 30, 2004 @ 9:56 pm

  3. might be interesting

    The ranks of yankees coming to the Jawja Blogfest is growing. If this keeps up, we Rebs may be outnumbered…

    Trackback by Gut Rumbles — August 30, 2004 @ 9:58 pm

  4. As a born ‘n bred Jersey Girl, I’m unsure how to announce that I’ve been dating a jawja guy for over a year now. Quite an adjustment, let me tell you. I wanted to try grits on one of my visits down there, but after a night of partying at a wedding down there, it just wasn’t possible. One look at the stuff and I wanted to get drunk all over again. This little girl joined us for breakfast that day and when I passed on the grits, she said “well, whaddya’all eat for BREAKfast?” Another (older) southerner at the table answered for me. BAYguls!

    Comment by Lynne — August 30, 2004 @ 10:33 pm

  5. OK, now I’m gonna have to see if I can re-arrange my schedule. I hated having to miss it before, but now – there’s no way I wanna miss this one! **grabbing franklin to reschedule training**

    Comment by Tammi — August 30, 2004 @ 10:38 pm

  6. Add one more Yankee to that list!

    Comment by Gordon the Magnificent — August 30, 2004 @ 11:58 pm

  7. Try grits with a dash of pepper and a pat of butter….mmmm mmmmm. Now them’s good eats.

    Only sissies and little kids eat grits with sugar.

    Comment by Rita — August 31, 2004 @ 8:08 am

  8. Hey man,

    I’m not going to be able to make it, but so long as you don’t start any fires…you’ll be fine. You can even wear blue.

    We don’t trust Yankees with fire.

    Comment by Sam — August 31, 2004 @ 2:11 pm

  9. North Georgia mountains eh? Just remember, Bar b que is not something that has anything to do with hot dogs, hamburgers or steaks on a charcoal grill. “Que” is not so much a cuisine as a religion in those parts (and N. GA is on the border between two distinct factions). If one of the locals starts to regale you, insist on samples not descriptions, you may become a convert.

    Comment by Mark Reardon — August 31, 2004 @ 2:37 pm

  10. Awe man… I’m gonna miss all the fun! Now you watch and see, I’m up here in the great white north – and as soon as I move, there will be some big ole blog party here… *sigh*

    Well, have fun. And I want to hear all about it!

    Comment by Teresa — September 1, 2004 @ 5:46 pm

  11. I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to this website.

    Comment by wedding speeches — May 26, 2006 @ 1:03 pm

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