June 4, 2010

“That Damned Halapeena…”

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 3:40 pm

I was doing this morning’s groundpound while plugged into my iPod. I can do that at the House By The Parkway (South) without seriously risking being turned into road pizza. My iPod contains a little over three-thousand songs, all of which were taken from my CDs. I listened many of the CDs long ago, or I only may have listened to them once or twice. As such, putting the iPod on Shuffle often produces some terrific “surprises.”

This song done by Bonnie Raitt was today’s surprise and has become today’s earworm. This is not the Bonnie Raitt version on my iPod, as this is a duet with Alison Krauss. No matter, I get a huge kick out of the song and Alison Krauss’ fiddle and background singing is good.

As much as I can’t stand Bonnie Raitt’s mindless politics, when it comes to singing and guitar playing, she is just too good to ignore.

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