July 11, 2003

Cool Stuff. I have to

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 6:18 pm

Cool Stuff.
I have to be away from the keys a bit, so here is some stuff I liked. I hope you will too..

Rachel Lucas writes a screamingly funny letter to her dog. I admit it. I had to Google “Grackle.”

The Country Store has a great, old picture of John Kerry (looking like a real doofus) with John Lennon. It would appear that this photo appears on a John Kerry campaign flyer. Why?

Zogby is featuring a picture and description of a Bill Clinton Action Figure. He even shows you where you can beat the rush and order yours today.

Bogie is blogging on the TypePad Beta Test Site. Overall, it looks good. Drop by for a visit while TypePad works out some of the kinks (the comments don’t seem to work too well).

Maybe I’ll catch ya later.

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