November 24, 2003

Yeah, It’s One of those Nights.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 9:56 pm

OK, here is the deal. I am suffering from a huge case of occupationally induced brain-fry. Accordingly, I am absolutely incapable of writing anything worth reading. I’m even too beat to read other people’s stuff, a sure sign of mental fartdom.

With that said, I would not want to completely disappoint those who were kind enough to visit here. So, I urge you to spend a few minutes moving Liquid Man all over your screen. It actually works well to relieve some of the discomfort of occupational brain-fry.

Again, thanks to my friend Brian, the Air Force vet, on whom I can rely to bail me out when I cannot write anything worth a shit.

I Wish I Had Written This.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 7:22 am

“Understanding Ghandi will have zero effect on the current war on terror. I can’t remember where I read or heard this, but someone once said that if Ghandi had been Jewish, we would have never heard of him. Ghandi’s passive resistance was a testament to British morality, not to peace as a weapon because Hitler never would have stopped to listen.”

Sarah from Trying to Grok wrote it and more in an excellent post. Go read.

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