March 6, 2011

Sunday Unfunking.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 10:32 am

Yes, peeps. I’ve been in a bit of a funk lately. Can’t put my finger on one thing, but it doesn’t help when The One says that the country, like all families, has to live within its means and then offers up a budget that increases the spending of borrowed money and, worse yet, increases spending on things like unicorn fart powered cars. It really doesn’t help when the jackasses in the mainstream media don’t call the bastard out on this stuff.

It’s also not a spirit lifter to see public sector workers in various parts of the country acting like characters from The Godfather running what amounts to a protection racket on taxpayers.

Sooooo, to try to climb out of my state of Funkdom, I like to listen to some fabulous guitar playing:

Here are Martin Taylor and Tommy Emmanuel playing a beautiful version of “The Nearness of You.” For those of you who play a bit of guitar, pay attention to the part when Tommy Emmanuel takes the lead back and plays the tune using harmonics. Amazing!

After they’re done playing, Martin Taylor chats with Tommy about guitar playing. I have seen Tommy Emmanuel interviewed a few times, and he is always interesting and extremely likable.

Hang on to your hat while Frank Vignola and Vinny Raniolo play “Tico Tico” (with a couple other tunes tossed in). I’ve seen them do this live on two occasions, and it always farookin’ knocks me out. Wow!

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