January 23, 2006


Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 8:26 pm

Remember when I wrote about teaching my friend’s fifteen-year old nephew who lives in Florida some guitar stuff? Remember when I said that the young fella could draw and paint like nobody’s business? No need to humor me by pretending to remember. I wrote about it here.

Yesterday I received an e-mail from young Matt, and it turns out that he must have been practicing, because he’s playing in a band. He’s obviously still drawing too, as one of his drawings was chosen from 800 entries for honorable mention by Peter Max, the 60’s pop artist, in a Peter Max competition. He got to meet Peter Max, who autographed Matt’s entry. The kid can really draw.

And the really excellent news is that he has also started a brand-new blog, entitled “Like a Rolling Stone”. It would be nice if you’d drop by and say hello. He’s a real good kid.

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