Today marks the 61st anniversary of D-Day.
I cannot help but wonder how many people living in the United States today even know what the historic event is that we have come to refer to simply as “D-Dayâ€.
I cannot help but wonder, of those who do know of the historic event, how many realized that today is the anniversary of D-Day.
I cannot help but wonder, of those who knew that today is the anniversary of D-Day, how many took a moment to reflect on the immeasurable sacrifice, and in thousands of cases, the ultimate sacrifice, that was made by Americans and members of the Allied Forces on the beaches of Normandy that day and in France in the ensuing days and months, the result of which was the defeat of tyranny in Europe.
I cannot help but wonder how the world would be today if they had failed.
I am, however, certain of one thing. We can never properly thank those who took part.
All we can do is promise never to forget them and what they accomplished on that day.
I so promise.