January 7, 2008


Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 10:07 pm

deadbeats.jpgI stopped my morning groundpound the other day to take this picture with my cell phone.

It is the front door of an establishment in town, which had been a mom and pop luncheonette. It was “X’s and Y’s Luncheonette.” (For the sake of discussion, let X = George and Y = Irene.) What you cannot see in the photo is the Eviction Notice that was taped to the door.

For more than three decades, George and Irene had done a brisk business serving only breakfasts and lunches. Nothing fancy, but the place was comfortable, and the food was good. You’d sit in one of the booths along the wall, and your order would be taken by the waitress (Jersey waitresses are in a class by themselves. “Haya doin’, Hon. What ken I getcha?) and handed it to the guy behind the counter working his magic at the grill. Jersey’s version of Southern hospitality.

Anyway, a few months ago, “George and Irene” sold the place. I don’t know why. Perhaps business fell off. Perhaps they wanted to retire. I just don’t know.

Shortly thereafter, the new owners posted a small sign in the window stating that the place was under new management, and that it would be closed for renovations, scheduled to open as the something or other “Café.” A week or two later, a fancy-schmancy sign appeared over the door for the something or other “Cafe.”

Despite the fancy, new signage, apparently it didn’t work out for the something or other “Café.” It never opened. I have no idea why. Maybe the new owners underestimated the money needed to open the place? Maybe they had a serious dispute with the landlord? Maybe anticipated investment money didn’t appear? Hell, maybe the New Jersey Department of Regulating Every Goddamned Thing made it impossible for them to open? Who knows?

What struck me was not why the new venture cratered before it was ever launched, but rather the reaction of the owners once things went bad. As the above photo shows, it appears that they simply locked the door and walked away from everything.

That attitude and behavior bothers me. A lot.

I figure that most of the envelopes you see on the floor in the photo are from people or entities that extended credit to the new owners and now it appears that they will all get it in the neck. Why? Because the outstanding balances of the various creditors are probably not large enough to warrant the hassle and expense of filing suit to recover, even assuming one could collect on a judgment.

As such, from a purely economic perspective, it appears that the Getting Outta Dodge Option is a smart choice, and maybe it is, but it’s a chickenshit choice in my opinion. Having been granted loans or goods and services based solely on your promises to pay, and simply running away from those promises is symptomatic of what is wrong with much of America today.

Sure, you could say, “Well, my creditors took a calculated risk. They could have demanded collateral, or they could have decided not to extend me credit in the first place.” Oh, so it’s the creditors’ fault for believing you when you promised to pay? Baloney. If, for one reason or another (sometimes very good reasons), you can’t pay, then try to work something out with your creditors, and, if that can’t happen, then take your lumps. Simply running away is chickenshit, and, what’s more, the rest of us will ultimately pay for your bad debt when your creditors raise their prices or interest rates to recoup the losses they incurred for taking you at your word that you would pay your debts.

Chickenshit is what it is.

Note: I have no relationship, professional or personal, with the original owners of the establishment in question, the new owners of the establishment, or any entity that may be a creditor. I just have a thing about deadbeats is all.

January 6, 2008


Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 12:39 pm

PRS Operatives managed to catch a moment with Senator Barack Obama in New Hampshire as he was on his way to a campaign appearance.

PRS: Senator Obama, I’m with PRS. I know you’re very busy, but can you spare a moment for a question or two?

Obama: PRS? What is that?

PRS: It’s a blog, Senator. I’d like to ask you …

Obama: You’ve gotta change that.

PRS: I’m sorry. Change what?

Obama: The PRS thing. Sounds too much like the PMS thing. I am the candidate who can make change happen.

PRS: Thank you, Senator. I’ll keep that in mind. Now, may I ask you a question?

Obama: Sure. Go ahead.

PRS: Thank you. Senator, the United States has not suffered an attack on its soil for more than six years now. What plans do you have to see that the United States remains free from attack?

Obama: We need change.

PRS: I don’t understand. I don’t understand why we would want change things that have kept us free from enemy attack. You don’t mean that, do you?

Obama: Of course I don’t mean that. What I mean is we need to change the way we deal with other countries in order to restore America to its rightful position of being a nation looked up to in the world community. We must engage in diplomacy – you know, talk to our enemies, face to face – convince them that the U.S. is their friend.

PRS: What I’m really asking, Senator is what are your plans for the day to day activities that are necessary in order for America to continue to remain free from attack?

Obama: I told you, we need change.

PRS: I don’t understand.

Obama: Obviously, you don’t understand much about change.

PRS: I know one thing about change, Senator.

Obama: What is that?

PRS: I know that after listening to you I need to change my underwear.


Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 10:23 am

Anyone who has spent any time around here should not be surprised when I tell you that I have become an instant fan of this blog. It shall be an every day read.

January 5, 2008

Hillary’s Own Woids.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 7:50 pm

PRS Operatives were not on the scene when these words were spoken, but others were.

Andrew Olmsted.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 1:51 pm

Milblogger Andrew Olmsted was killed in action in Iraq a few days ago. He had a prepared a post for such a horrible eventuality.

Words fail me.

I know that others have written about this, but I want to see that as many people as possible have an opportunity to read his “Final Post.”

May he rest in peace.

Via Doug Ross@Journal

Note: I apologize for the initial misspelling of this amazing man’s name. I have corrected my mistake.

January 4, 2008

Hillary and the Psychic.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 8:24 pm

crystal-ball.jpgHer campaign in disarray following her defeat in Iowa, Hillary in attempting to pull out all the stops to see what went wrong, decided to visit a psychic. PRS Operatives managed to listen in.

Hillary: Good morning. You are Madam Yolanda? Someone called you about an appointment for me…

Yolanda: That is correct, and you are?

Hillary: You may call me Grace. I chose you, because I have been told that you have never watched television, listened to the radio, read a newspaper, books or magazines of any kind. Is that true?

Yolanda: Yes it is, Grace.

Hillary: How about the internet?

Yolanda: I’m not familiar with that term. How can I help you, Grace?

Hillary: Well, I’ve suffered a recent professional setback, and I was hoping you could tell me what caused that to happen.

Yolanda: I believe I can do that. You say you suffered a professional setback. What kind of a setback might that be?

Hillary: I would prefer not to say.

Yolanda: That’s fine. I can proceed without knowing that.

Hillary: Oh my, you’re actually using a crystal ball. I didn’t think you people did that kind of thing anymore.

Yolanda: I’m old school, Grace, and, as you know, I don’t look at much of anything else.

Hillary: Fine with me. Can we get on with this? I’m in a bit of a hurry.

Yolanda: Indeed. I do see that you have been very busy over the past several months. You’ve spent a good deal of time traveling, I see.

Hillary: Yes, that’s true. But what about the reasons for the setback?

Yolanda: OK. Let’s see…… Hmmmm. I’m seeing water. Hmmmm. It appears to be white in color.

Hillary: Maybe that’s foam.

Yolanda: No, Grace. This is actual white water. I’ve never seen water that is white before. Does white water have any special significance to you?

Hillary: Absolutely not.

Yolanda: OK then. Let’s continue to look. Hmmm… This is strange. … Hmmm … I see cattle. Wait! … Oh, this is really strange. The cattle are turning into money. Do animals turning into money mean anything to you?

Hillary: Cattle? Money? Of course not! This is becoming a little silly.

Yolanda: I’m sorry, Grace. I can only tell you what I am seeing.

Hillary: Go ahead, but so far nothing you’ve said makes any sense to me.

Yolanda: I’m sorry. I’m usually not wrong about these things. Let me try again. … Oh, dear. This doesn’t make much sense either.

Hillary: Well, what is it, dammnt?

Yolanda: It looks like business records of some kind – a rather large stack of them. Wait … I can almost read the title … Yes, the title is “Billing” something or other. Fascinating … on top of the stack of records, I see a flower. Yes, I can see it clearly now. It’s a rose. Does a rose and papers called “Billing” something or other mean something special to you?

Hillary: Ridiculous! Enough of this Goddamned mumbo jumbo. Let’s get right to the point. Truth is, I’m a politician; I just lost an election and I want you to tell me why that happened! It wasn’t supposed to happen!

Yolanda: Ahhhh … that is very helpful information, Grace. Let me take a look.

Hillary: Well?

Yolanda: [staring into ball]

Hillary: Goddammit, I don’t have all day here!

Yolanda: [slowly looks up from the ball, shaking her head]. I’m very sorry, Grace, but I’m afraid that it says that you lost because people consider you to be a detestable swine.

Hillary: You piece of shit! Who got to you? That bastard Obama?

Yolanda: The ball doesn’t lie, Grace.

January 3, 2008

I’m a Fan.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 9:05 pm

Yes, I admit it. I am a big Kari Byron fan.


Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 8:37 pm

I’ve got nothing to say but it’s O.K.
Good morning, good morning…

(Someone please cue the rooster.)


January 2, 2008

Legislative Dumbshittery.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 7:08 pm

If Democrat State Assemblyman William Payne has his way, New Jersey will be the first northern state to apologize for slavery, even though New Jersey outlawed slavery 162 years ago.

Mind you, this dumbshittery is being discussed at a time when the state is going into 2008 facing a massive deficit (approximately $3 billion), the Governor is still insisting on spending an additional $530 million that state does not have, the state is facing unfunded liabilities of $56 Billion, and even the damned Turnpike may be sold to pay for the seemingly endless spending increases.

And yet, the voters in this state continue to elect these fools.

Oh, yes. William Payne is the brother of this congressional waste of space. I guess that Useless runs in the family.

January 1, 2008

The Day After.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 1:45 pm

Yes, sports fans, I am sucking a bit of wind today. I suspect last night’s red wine, bubbly and vodka may have something to do with it. The Taylor Ham and eggs and scalding, extra bold Sumatran blend coffee helped, but the mouse clicks are still too loud.

I need rest and oxygen.

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