June 29, 2003

A Long-Overdue Website. A

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 8:03 pm

A Long-Overdue Website.
A huge thanks to The Country Store (June 29 post – permalink fried) for pointing us to The Modern Drunkard, a website chock full of things of interest to those of us who enjoy spirits of the liquid kind. For example, there is a section called “Great Moments in the History of Hooch,” which contains a timeline of the history of alcoholic beverages starting with 4,000,000 BC and working its way up to today. Here is the entry for 30 AD:

“30 AD Performing his first miracle, Jesus turns water into wine at a wedding, rescuing the occasion from becoming a dull affair. Christ’s entourage soon doubles.”

In addition to a section called “Booze News,” there are other gems such as old (and quite funny) liquor and beer advertisements.

One could easily spend a “Happy Hour” at this site. Cheers!

New Logo. Drumwaster has got

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 2:12 pm

New Logo.
Drumwaster has got a new logo. I like it. Go take a look.

Speaking of logos, for Father’s Day, TJ arranged with a graphic artist to design a logo for this site. I have selected the basic design. It is being tweaked a bit, but should be up in the near future.

A logo? Who’da thunk it?

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