November 16, 2004


Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 9:15 pm

I have been a reader of Azygos for quite some time now. He is a nurse practitioner who writes powerfully and passionately about things medical, things political, and things in general. Accordingly, for my convenience and your reading pleasure, I have added Azygos to Mr. Blogroll.

Walk a Mile in His Boots.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 8:37 pm

Sgt. Hook points out why we should not be too quick to judge the actions of that young Marine in Fallujah.

The Worst of the Worst. (Updated)

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 8:03 pm

I don’t suspect that I am at all unusual in reserving pure “hatred” for a select few people or classes of people. Having said that, one group of people who I hate, in the purest sense of the word, are comment spammers. Don’t get me wrong. By comparison, tyrants, wonton killers, and a gaggle of other criminal misfits are more worthy of my hatred than comment spammers, but with these techno graffiti artists, it’s personal. Regularly they invade my property and soil the place, much as if they were to break into my home and shit all over the living room floor.

Often they come from one source (e.g. the detestable “Bob”) and leave the same URL on hundreds of posts using a myriad of spoofed IP adresses. Sometimes they seem to attack with many different spoofed e-mail addresses and URLs, all a variation on some theme, requiring individual deletion and rebuilding of posts, It’s maddening.

Until now, most of the URLs that the spammers have attempted to leave behind have dealt with things like mortgage refinancing, sexual enhancement pharmaceuticals, all sorts of p—r and c—-o games, and satellite dishes. Lately, however, I have seen a new crop of sites being pitched, which deal with r*pe (* = a) and inc*st (* = e), each promising pictures and stories.

Now, when it comes to matters involving consenting adults, I generally cast my lot with the libertarians, but I’ll be damned if I can crawl inside the cruller of anyone who would pitch pictures and stories about r*pe and inc*est. Nor, can I imagine the type of person who would click on such a link, particularly among the audience comprised of people who frequents blogs. I suppose that the sad reality is that it only takes a few transactions to make comment spamming a profitable enterprise.

Anyway, I hope that, when the comment spammers line up to take their special place in hell, the latest breed is at the front of the line.

Update: I have removed most of the letters in two more words in the above post (a “p” word and a “c” word — no, not those words). Since originally posting this, I have been under heavy comment Spam attack, from scumbags with URS containing those words. I wonder if the spambots search out key words in comments. I don’t know, but I’m not taking any chances.

November 15, 2004

“Dear Madam Secretary:”

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 8:37 pm

With those words, now former Governor Jim McGreevey began his one-sentence resignation letter, effective as of 11:59 PM today. So, since noon, we of the Garden State have a new Governor, Richard Codey, who is an undertaker and insurance guy by trade, and who still presides as president of the state senate.

Governor Codey had enough class to have been sworn in at a private ceremony, indicating afterwards to members of the press that he did so, because this was not exactly a time of celebration.

Mr. and Mrs. McGreevey have taken separate residences, his being an apartment in Rahway (home of the “Scared Straight” prison), while she and the couple’s daughter will move into a house in nearby Springfield.

Governor Codey intends to focus on mental health issues in the state [I’m biting my tongue here so as not to be snarky] and ways to remedy the state’s huge deficit, which reportedly includes placing slot machines at the Meadowlands racetrack.

Due to a “glitch” in New Jersey law, Governor Codey, as noted above, will also continue to serve as the president of the state senate. [I know it’s nuts, but, hey, it’s Jersey] Indeed, he is lawfully able to collect both salaries, but it is reported that he will decline the state senate pay in favor of the Governor’s salary. Although he will be collecting the Governor’s salary, he reportedly will not move into the Governor’s mansion, preferring to commute to Trenton from his West Orange home.

He continues to be non-committal about his plans for running for a full term in November 2005. My cynical guess is that U.S. Senator Corzine and the New Jersey political bosses will make that call for Governor Codey.

I wish him well. I’d be crazy not to.

Thanks to Roberto of DynamoBuzz for a link or two.

November 14, 2004

Paulie’s on the Stick.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 2:48 pm

I have about an hour and a half before I head over to the Post to be with the Usuals. I think I’m going to use the time to read a bit of a book. Yeah, a real book. with pages and all. You can hold it on your lap and read without ever touching a mouse or a keyboard. What a concept!

I am definitely looking forward to some great goofy shit later, because my friend Paulie is tending bar today. I wonder if he knows that I’m writing about him. He might, because I believe he may well have “ESPN.”

Spotlight on Montana Bloggers.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 12:39 pm

I was reading Margi Lowy’s site, where I found this article focusing on Montana Bloggers. As you can see, I have several Montana blogs on my blogroll, among them Craig at mtpolitics, whom I have often referred to as “The Nicest Guy in the Blogosphere.” Craig is featured in the article, as is David of “Better Living Through Blogging”. Nicely done, gentlemen.

Unlike other reporters who have written about blogging, but who really didn’t seem to “get” it, Kellyn Brown, the reporter who wrote this articie, did.

November 13, 2004

More News and One Word Commentary.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 3:41 pm

Seeing as how the blogosphere is typically less busy on the weekend, and seeing as how Saturday is often a slow news day, this seems like a good time to again do a bit of news with one word commentary. One word – that’s the rule.

Governor McGreevey moves the last of his things out of the Governor’s mansion. Finally!

Scott Peterson found guilty of double murder and could face the death penalty. Adios.

Naked guy walks into Bronx Zoo’s reptile exhibit full of caimans, which are cousins to alligators, and tries to grab one. Dickicide?

Tens of thousands flock to Arafat’s burial, shoot rifles and generally act like lunatics. MOAB?

Zarqawi flees Fallijah. Chicken!

Gunman opens fire at foot of Eiffel Tower, wounding three. Surrender!

Photographers sue Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz for assault and battery. SMILE!!

Michael Moore planning sequel to Fahrenheit 911. Smegma!

Vice President Taken to Hospital.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 2:02 pm

CNN is reporting that Vice President Cheney has been taken to the hospital following tests after experiening shortness of breath. No further details at this time.

November 12, 2004

Take a Look.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 6:09 pm

In perusing my referral logs, I came across a Jersey Blogger who instantly caught my attention with his post about having been held up at gunpoint by two misunderstood victims of the oppressive social system pieces of shit escapees from prison. From there, I rummaged a bit through the archives and liked what I saw.

With that, I give you “Sluggo Needs a Nap.” Go read.


Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 5:13 pm

Rob beat me to this one, but I still have to share my enjoyment upon seeing that this unfunny, snot-nosed prick finds himself on the wrong end of a palimony suit.

Get out your checkbook, Bill, as this one could be real expensive, especially if her lawyer has the case on a contingent fee basis.

As Rob said, “It couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.”

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