December 24, 2004

Christmas Lessons.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 6:12 pm

OkieMinnie Me has done some heavy lifting to provide us with a series of posts dealing with the background of many of the Christmas traditions. Here they are:


Star and Angels


Christmas Tree and Ornaments

The Nativity

Bells, Nutcrackers, Candy Canes

Christmas Food

St. Nicholas & Stockings, Santa Claus

Colors of Christmas and Cards

Gifts ane Wise Men
Lots of interesting stuff there. Thanks, OkieMinnie.

The Blog Novella – The Final Chapter.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 2:45 pm

The Final Chapter of The Blog Novella, a project launched by Christina of Feisty Repartee, is up, courtesy of Mr. Helpful. I salute all of those bloggers who conntributed, none of them writers by trade, but one would never know.

Well done!

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